Oh yeah I know about the way more convienent to play an open… but does that convince out weigh the option to play a slightly deader note for empthis? Not looking for a fight here because I’d like the ease… but even my old impaired ears can hear a difference…not sure if anything here lines up with an open string but think of a Tax Man, Get the Girl , Do It Again,The Bird or even Ramblin Gamblin Man type run…wouldn’t a slightly less brightness of one note change everything? Not unlike an old school hot V-8 on the downside of a Braaaaap? Like I say I can’t tell if an open would fit in the right place on those or others similar…but think of it as a sort of modified pulloff … it would have to fit somewhere…or would John Q Public for the most part miss that nuance?
Yeah it’s a good point that the open strings have their own tone character and you would lose that. Totally true.
All points are correct, I think here, like so many things in the bass world, it boils down to personal preference of the player.
To me, I think I probably would not do this to my go to bass, but since I have many to choose from, I might add this to another of my regularly played basses to have some options.
when I was first starting, there were some songs I wanted to play, and my fingers were not strong enough to do any pinky hammer on’s, 5-7 fret, so the 0-2 worked with an index finger hammer on. Of course, this took from the sound of the song and sounded a little weak, but with this zero fret, probably would have sounded more like the song.
Of course this is just an example, and you could use the example to argue both points, as you could say, “see, it helps you cheat songs” or something like that.
So, again, it is preference of the player, and as a player, I am interested to know more, so when @Mac records the streams of both the open string and open string with a zero fret, I will be a listening.
See your point T…but I am on the other side of the coin…I like the slide off rather than the slide/Hammer on…or an off to accent an on…I really have only one bass…an MIM P however I do have off to the side of the room a Squire J Bass 5er…just in case I want to try and shake Cali off into the Pacific I got the 5er for the low B…but right now I’m still trying to master to some degree the 4. I have a HH Squire Tele that my working mans hands can’t do much with…it sits around as something for if somebody shows up and says Oh you play bass? I play guitar (like a bass isn’t) They can mess with it and… with my board we can see if we can’t get all the cats and dogs in a four block range howling I’m still at the very basic level…like I might be able to root out a country song at a very low class bar and only require 20-50 stitches for cuts from broken beer bottles hitting the bands protective screen Anyway I am into the Motown and Staxx sound along with a Waylon and the Outlaws sound followed by anything with a driving predominate BASS line… Makes for a very bizarre playlist for a road trip with me But anyway being as I both raced and built race cars the kind of flat down note tweaks me… in a way only a gear head would understand…question is can I find a playlist that works together that utilizes said sort of flat or dead down tone… and then can I find a group of people who will not burn down a bar if we play it…oh well back to learning…and learning what people want to hear rather than what I want to play… I can play what I want at home… I’ll worry about imposing my musical tastes on others later
By the way I don’t look at things as a cheat for a song…after all if it’s been recorded, we are doing a cover… not a “tribute” By the way since when did “impersonators” become “tributes” And am I alone seeing Tribute bands as being nothing more than PC impersonators? Personally I see nothing wrong with doing a cover and tweaking it to fit your sound…on the other hand I see nothing right about calling yourself a tribute band as if you are something better than an impersonator. As far as I’m concerned both should just dress the part and lip-sync to the original artists recordings…but then I never was one much for being PC…Go ahead throw the beer bottles…I managed to get some 1/4 inch mesh inside the chicken wire at my end of the stage
Yep, the Zero Fret is not for you, at least not yet.
What part of Cali?
Right there with you brother!
I have worked in racing and built parts for lots of race cars and cars
Yep, predominant bass is what I listen for when hearing new tunes.
Yeah, I have been known to have those too, but what is bizarre to some is normal to others. we are the others
The world thanks me for doing just that
Think we will get along just fine.
Thanks man, I thought I was weird…one freek is weird but two are a form of normal…By the way the Cali into the Pacific is just a joke…not sure AZ or UT is ready for surfing. But I have wondered if every bass player in the US assembled at the at the right place and tuned down with the biggest amps they could muster…could they start sympathetic vibrations to cause Cali to slip of out to oh lets say Catalina? Think about it…Cowboy surfers…Beach Cowboys…Music would never be the same…Play a song backwards and you’d get your surfboard and your hotrod back…and of coarse your foo-foo dog… never mind that … just wouldn’t work…for Gods sake don’t hit 80 whatever mph Marty
I was just curious, cuz I am in Cali
If anybody takes it seriously I’ll make sure to exclude your section…would you like a bay or just an inlet?
how about a nice cove
I’ll put it on the list…give me the GPS co ords and I’ll set you up with a nice calm beach, a boat ramp and enough elevation to cover any rise in ocean level. Should make you a million if you ever decide to sell. But why would you?
exactly, well, unless there is a really nice Stingray in the trade
Are you talking a split window or a four string?
You know maybe one of each might just be the correct answer
Its one of all three, if not 2 of all three and 1 of several more.
You know now you got me thinking…that light metallic blue on a split window with a matching Stingray might just be the ticket…but you’d have to have a hot wired matching Tele for the right intro to your arrival…And while a hot Tele is cool it is MANY steps below a Stingray and well even a P bass for that matter. …Odd but the don’t make Stingrays ( guitars and cars) or bikinis the same way anymore…old and new are both hot but older is better in my view all the way around.
To Quote John Revoluta…I’m so confused
I’m moving to Utah…So I’m wondering…several split windows…several Stingrays or several bikinis?
Wow don’t take this wrong but that’s some nice wood
all the way around except In the case of these two, because I don’t think they ever made this color config before and it is the best I have ever come across, IMO
The fretboard, and the whole neck really is amazing, the back of the neck is like the fretboard. The headstock took. so basically the whole damn thing.
My bucket basses, and if I could have any bass in the world right now, it would be one of the two, I think I would need to see them both in person to decide which.