Zoom effects processors

I believe @PamPurrs if she says it doesn’t. I don’t really need a solid answer it was just something Inhad mentioned, and was told I had bad info. It is a non issue for me because I don’t have 5he “X” and am not gonna upgrade.

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The way I read it is “the pedal doesn’t take up a slot, but the effect (volume swell) would.”

I’ll find out once I get my hands on mine.


That part is true, in the patch only. But you still have all 50 patches available (5 banks of 10 each) with the expression pedal.


Actually, I think that’s not entirely true: of all effects that use the expression pedal, you can only use one in a patch, right?


I see what @PamPurrs is saying, it doesn’t matter when using pre-sets.
In stomp box mode, or when creating your own creation, you can use one Pedal effect, and it takes up one of 5 slots.

This is a win win. We are all correct. :+1:t2::grinning::+1:t2::wink:

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I feel rather inadequate on this topic. I’ve had my Zoom B1x Four for 7 months and know very little about all the inner workings. I haven’t messed around with any of the presets, and have never used stomp mode. I’m not sure I even know how nor what it is even for.
All I do is switch it on, fire up my amp, and practice. I use the drum track and experiment with the presets, but that’s about it.


A good starting point… @PamPurrs
Select a preset you like. Press the memmory / stomp / edit, and look what it is made of.

If you hit settings, and turn off the auto save, it won’t automatically save any changes you made, it will prompt you to save or not after you play with it.

Then go to an empty bank and , in edit mode, just start making your own set up.

In edit, select the 1sr patch, and cycle thru the effect options with the foot pedals.

It will somewhat guide you by not allowing non compatible effects to be added to empty slots as you build.

Have fun, and learn about pedals.

I will find a link to the manual, and effects list.




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I’ve glanced through it in the past. But in all honesty, I’m so obsessed with just becoming a better bass player I spend all my time practicing and don’t have much energy left for fiddling with my gadgets. One of these days I’ll take the time to learn all the intricacies of the Zoom.


I hear you, between it (the Zoom), practicing and online lessons I can find, I don’t sleep much anymore.

Then once every 3-4 days.



Priority sorting: unlocked. :grin:


i had the b1xon, and being that i am sitting around staring at amazon all day like everybody else, somehow clicked on the b1four. just got it a few days ago. kind of annoying that they changed so many effects that i couldn’t recreate any of my fave patches from the old one, but the new one is smaller and easier to use and i like the no expression pedal because i just don’t use it. and it has some good stuff on it’s own. gave the b1xon to a friend. the only thing it didn’t have that i wanted is a chorus that i really love, but that was easy to fix - i also got a POG micro. :rofl:


Oh hey look.


Mine says they tried to deliver it yesterday but had a problem and will try again today. I can’t wait to play around with it.


First notes:
It’s not as flimsy as I expected.
It can be powered through USB – no need for a separate power supply.


Tuner is excellent.
I don’t care for most of the standard patches.
I’m going to be addicted to the looper.


First patch (the SansAmp one) is decent but yeah, on both my Zooms I ignored the built-in patches and made my own pedalchains. much more fun and useful that way.

It’s best to think of the built-in patches as basically demos (which they are good for) and starting points for your own sounds, in my experience. Some of the later ones that are basically amp and cab sims with light effects are good for this too.


Affirmative. I can see a lot of time wastage in my immediate future.


yes that’s also what I think, not only for Zoom products but for everything with built-in tones.


There are a few of them I like also, but most of them are pretty bizarre sounding.
Honestly, I just don’t have the desire, energy, or time to delve into learning how to make my own patches, so I just go with what came with the Zoom. Maybe in the future…