5 String Basses Suck for Beginners (7 Reasons)

Is it dangerous to learn on 5 string bass? Here are all the reasons you might wanna stick to a classic 4 string when you start out.


If you’re doing the Beginner to Badass course, this lesson would fit anywhere - just don’t get depressed if you’ve already bought a 5 string, you’ll probably be okay. :slight_smile:

For all you 5 stringers out there - how was it learning on the 5? What felt accurate in this video, or what did I miss?


I am only 20 seconds in and lololoooool Evil 5 String Bass!!!1! (falls out of chair)

(More later)


I agree and disagree with just about every one of the 7 reasons. I did the entire B2B course on a fiver with no problem. I think I’m all the better for it.
As far as muting, the floating thumb is the answer.

P.S. I do agree about slapping, but I’m not a slapper, and if i was, I’d play one of my 4 strings.
… and yes they are heavier.


The bass wasn’t your first instrument, right?


In addition to agreeing with all of the points made in the video (and very much appreciating the 2 point disclaimer at the end), I am constantly blown away by the level-up in video making. Damn. Kudos, @JoshFossgreen .

Also - I would watch a full you tube series of evil 5 string ruining different bass situations.

Shows up right before gig, bass player plays all the wrong strings.
Shows up at the classic blues/soul recording session and low-Bs everything
Goes through the express grocery line with, like, 25 things.

It would be great.


Totally, and a bunch of those 25 things would be produce missing the stickers, or UPC codes that don’t scan. And then…Evil 5 String Bass would pay by check.


It was my first since high school. Back then I failed at trumpet, drums, and piano.


I laughed my ass off. I like “The Joshman” voice.


looking forward to all the ‘evil 5-string bass’ Halloween costumes this year.




I would agree (and who am I to argue with Josh!?), but I think it benefitted me to fairly early on getting used to a 5-string. Later, I would go back to 4-string predominantly, but recently, I re-ignited my love for a 5er. String confusion is still occasionally plaguing me and, yes, muting is something to be aware of. (Like, @PamPurrs , I basically don’t slap, but if I were, it would be on a 4 string).

Something that gets mentioned only too rarely is that a 5er can potentially make some tricky passages easier to play, when you, e.g., don’t have to “fly down” to the F on the E string, but can play the F on the B string. Five strings allow you to more easily maintain your fretting hand position.


So… I have to know if Noob Josh stays with the Four Side, or gives in to his anger and hatred to join the Five Side and become Djent Josh? I suppose that will happen in “Bass Buzz Episode IX: The Rise of Fourplayer”.

For me, I love 5 and 6 string basses. I think they just look way cooler than a 4 string. Especially fanned fret 5 and 6 strings. So rad looking. That said, I’ve tried 5 strings twice; I really prefer the flatter, wider necks with the tighter string spacing. That, that said, I’ve gone back to 4 strings twice and sold my 5 strings (well, sold one of them… anyone want to buy a near-mint Carvin B5?) because I find that the music I want to play and see myself playing in future doesn’t cater to more than 4 strings. So, the 5th string just… hangs around and gets in my way. And it does require a bit of a mind tweak when you’re looking at tab written for 4 string bass… the E string on the tab is no longer the string closest to you on the bass.

So… I kind of agree that as a beginner, you should start with a 4 string. If you later want to expand to a 5 string, awesome. But if someone wants to start with a 5 string, or only has access to a 5 string, that’s awesome too.

Oh, and P.S.? Yeah, great video @JoshFossgreen, well done. I find myself watching your YouTube videos over and over again for the entertainment factor alone. That’s not to say they don’t have great content - they do - they’re just also very entertaining. :slight_smile:


That is the most compelling reason to play a fiver IMHO.


Great video, Josh!

For me the reason was I simply didn’t like the feel. The string spacing was just weird feeling and even after months I didn’t get in to it. It was’t my first instrument but I also didn’t really have any of the other problems with it - it was mostly just that it felt “wrong”.

The problem is, very few five strings I have heard have good timbre above the 5th-7th fret on the B string. Most sound really dull up higher than that. So yes, that works great in the money notes, but it’s still pretty limited, at least in my experience.


Do fretless next!


Great video @JoshFossgreen as usual. Informative and entertaining.
I really stumbled as a beginner when I had my dalliance with a fiver. Still have the urge to try now and again but as I am not 100% happy with my fretting hand abilities with a 4 I will abstain for now.
To be honest, the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the title of the video was it should have the subtitle of “unless you’re a bad ass bass gal “ @PamPurrs


Great video! Lots of valid points.

I think the deciding factor for playing a fiver is need. If a genre(s) requires being able to play the notes a B string provides, it’s a no brainer to have one. But, if not, then not. Just my take.


LOL :slight_smile:


Sorry dude, everyone knows lists must be at least 10 things on YouTube.
Therefore, I give this video a 7/10. :upside_down_face:

Seriously, great video @JoshFossgreen as usual.
Two thoughts always come to my mind with 5/6 string basses.

  1. When IS the appropriate time to introduce more strings in your learning path (in general).
  2. If folks learned bass thinking about the G string as your 'home base" (no pun intended) vs. the E string, it might then make adding the 5th string easier then the 6th string (if ever) just follows the same path. Yeah, I know, bass learners want to work the low end, not the G string, but…if you flipped your thinking on where your “anchor point” is it might be easier to ‘float’ the next string.

Weirdly (I guess) but I never had problems missing strings - I would typically either move my thumb to rest on the B or curl my pinky under it to mute (warning - this is addictive, I do it on my 4 strings now too) when not on it.