A little music related fun

It’s not a bad thing at all. I like NOFX too lol. They both have humor that’s why I compared them.

Haha cool the artwork of the dwarves is always very interesting. :joy:

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I am not wearing the crossing dicks logo, but I do have that shirt some where. LOL

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I saw this show. It was great. At Alex’s Bar in Long Beach.
You can see the Dicks logo in the bottom left corner.


Another good shot with a great caption.

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Yeah I was basically only a fan of ST’s hardcore and not their metal, though I have come to appreciate their metal more. I mean I guess the way to say it is I like their metal more than I like Metallica.

Oh yeah, for sure.
If I had to rate THE BIG 4 of the early THRASH METAL scene, my list would be the exact opposite of the majority of people, cuz the two radio bands are on bottom.

#1 - Slayer - By far, way ahead of the rest, cuz they stayed true to themselves the whole time they existed. and Jeff Heinemann was a punk rocker. look at the early pictures of slayer, or the videos, his guitar was plastered with punk rock stickers. - although Tom Arraya may not be the best bass player of the 4 bands, he is the only singer in the bunch. And he does a great job of both.

  • PLUS - Slayer did a Punk Rock cover album with only one original Slayer punk song on it, the rest are Covers of legendary punk bands (Dr. Know, Minor Threat, D.I. etc…), and slayer KILLED IT with that album.

#2 - Anthrax - Visionaries, the first (Major world wide) Metal / Rap tour ever.
And I was there, Anthrax, Public Enemy, Primus and some white boy rap band that opened, I forget who, Rich Kids or something like that (NOT RKL - Rich Kids on LSD) - Frank Bello is an AMAZING bass player, and is a great example of a finger style metal bass player. Highly underrated.

#3 - Megadeath. - Very early days were Punk Metal, and the first 3 albums are pretty ok, but after that, just a bunch of Metallica wanna-be’s. Love those Dave Mustaine videos, crying about being tossed out of Metallica. well, I can only stand a couple minutes while it is funny, after 2 minutes or so, its just sad. Dave Ellefson is AWESOME, a truly great bassist, however, unfortunately, he is relatively unknown outside the bass world and the true Megadeath fan base.

#4 - Metallica - One brilliant album (Ride the Lightning), one pretty good album (Master of Puppets), maybe 2 bearable albums, then just SHIT.
- Cliff Burton and Robert Trujillo, are the stand out bass players on the whole list, but thats it, the bands direction after Cliff, and the songwriting sucks. Newstead was OK, but probably the bottom of the list of all the bassists I mentioned. He was a better guitar player then bassist, from what I recall


I was never really in to Anthrax but I remember that tour and was sorry I missed it. I’m a huge fan of Public Enemy (and Chuck D in general).


Public Enemy less Professor Griff and his S1W’s is a little better overall.


Griff was a bummer. Really bright and talented, but damn dude. Way to make yourself basically the equivalent of a nazi punk.

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for sure, I never quite thought of it that way, but it is spot on. I guess he is a Panther Rapper

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My attempt to steer this thread back to Music Related Fun


When you really need to learn that one chord


I’ve seen them live once. Chuck D was rocking it. Back then Flavor Flav was still in the band. Great memorable perfomance!

Maybe we should just start a new topic for this “Bands we love or hate” :wink:


Agreed! This thread has veered waaaay off topic.






Good one, John . . . :rofl:





:joy: :rofl: