Pam’s MIDI I/Os are setup right we took care of that yesterday. It’s probably something wonky with iLOK, activation of the license etc, as it won’t even play UVI workstation outside of a DAW. Like she said above, she found another plugin that is meeting her needs and working in Reaper.
Just fresh-installed UVI Workstation, threw it on a new instrument track in Reaper, worked the first time for me. With the internal MIDI keyboard, but the plugin itself was fine.
Yeah agree, this is something unrelated to Reaper.
Well that particular instrument doesn’t work either standalone or in Reaper. Even the tech support guy couldn’t get it working. He elevated the issue to a higher level tech and I’m just waiting to hear back.
I don’t know what tickbox I may have missed. All I know is I wasted several hours on it.
Good luck with the support. I guess at your age, spending a few days just by making some random instrument to work is literally a waste of time. Nonetheless, there’re countless well-sampled pianos in Analog Lab software, so even if UVI doesn’t work in the end, you have countless options for your next piano/bass opus.
I plugged the Arturia in yesterday evening to test it. Then somehow It was 1 am. I’m now very tired at work.
I hate you guys
Here’s some initial recommendations
but yes, exactly that.
I actually use a countless of pirated versions although I have original licences. For example Ableton and Waves plugins … there’s quite a few warez groups that rip out all the DRM shit that makes some software unstable and hard to install.
Sorry but What is DRM?
Digital rights management (DRM) is the use of technology and systems to restrict the use of copyrighted digital materials. Things like iLok, Native access etc. … When I spend a few hundred bucks on a software, it’s mine and I really don’t want to install a software launcher/client for every manufacturer.
And even then I still have to have a bunch of launchers installed, because some software, especially HW connected, cannot be run without a constant connection to the internet. WHICH IS BULL*! Damn, how I hate this practice of requiring your customer to handle your inability to code a well-secured software.
Fiddling around with Reaper now. That thing is quite good and couple of things is quite smart there. I am locked out by the amount of Ableton specific hw I have, but one evening jam will be fun.
Back in the DOS days and even into the early Windows days, you could walk into any Computerland store (remember those) and buy a software. You’d walk out with a hefty box full of disks and manuals. All you had to do is install it. You owned it
Then Lotus started making it impossible to install Lotus 123 (remember that?) on second computer unless you uninstalled it from the first one.
Adobe was the first one I remember to have the 800 number you had to call to get an unlock code. Now you can’t even buy their products, you can only “rent” them
It has gotten worse and worse, and now companies like I- Lok are there to further complicate things for the end user. All because of software pirates.
I’m so glad I got to enjoy the pioneer days of personal computing.
The thing is… those measures don’t really stop the pirates. If there’s interest, it will be cracked. It’s like having a chain on your bicycle. It will deter some people because of the added hassle, but if someone wants to take the bike they’ll cut the chain with a big chain cutter.
Things I don’t miss. Putting a cassette in my ZX Spectrum and waiting 4 minutes to load a game
Anybody under 30 will be baffled by this video.
Yeah, they were slow, and with only a fraction of the speed and power we enjoy today. But things were simpler then, and technology was blossoming at the speed of light. Those were fun days for those of us in the computer media, lots of new things to write about in every issue. That’s why PC Magazine came out twice a month; we had so many new products to review and write about, we could barely keep up.
Any opinions on the Helm synthesizer to use instead of the stock reaper synth?
At work I have to “check out” a license for AutoCad which expires 24 hours after I use it at max. We can’t even have it installed on our PCs anymore. AutoCad doing this with big companies to manage borrowing of licenses. Nuts
I don’t know anything about Helm, haven’t tried it. There’s a lot of good synths out there though, paid and free. For free you might want to look at Surge.
Paid, I love Kilohearts Phase Plant; Arturia Pigments is great too; Serum, Hive, Massive, Falcon, tons of other good ones out there. Hundreds most likely.
For someone who is not used to software synths I would likely recommend Pigments. It’s just easy and beautiful. Serum is really easy too.
@howard Thank you for the feedback.