Any sexy new basses you've got your eye on?

Her solo stuff is good too, some is more post-punk/gaze.

Kind of reminds me of Jack Dangers/Meat Beat Manifesto’s early stuff, like Radio Babylon.


Yeah, great addition. They stopped making the slo’s.


There is a Slo they just put out in the BFR 2021 line up.
It is really nice. It is really nice. I forget tge wood used, but is is sick, and it is sort of Orange. It may be a bucket list bass. It cost a little more then $1500 more then I paid gor mine.
And it is a passive Stingray

I really like that white pick up they have been putting on some of the Signature and BFR basses
I want to get one for my Slo Special.


Yeah, that is the bass I have. There are two metalMan guitar / basses tgat Dean makes. The other one I dont like very much because it looks too much like a TBird. But this one is cool AF… tour guitar looks sick. Tge Bass I have does have the headstock like yours, but it is just tge basic profile, all black.
It does not have tge fancy edge routing detail with highlight colors.

You have any other close up pics of that guitar?

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Hmm I did, but I’ve since switched computers so I’m not sure if I have any but I’ll take a looksee.

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This is the only one I found. I took this the day I got it home, which was in 2006. It’s a thing of beauty for sure. But it was a B*tch to tune lol.


Yeah I forgot about this passive, nice.


Welp the SBV sold so I no longer need to agonize over it :slight_smile:


So if you go to the bfr page it doesn’t say anything about this having the slo neck, but everyone selling it says it does. Digging further I found a post on talk bass from Scott Ball about this bass, pretty cool :+1:

“This one is supposed to be a greasy funk machine (in my eyes). This has the short scale electronics package and Slo Special neck. We’ve been using Okume since the early 2010’s on guitars. “African Mahogany” is the trade name and that is what we used to call it. We made the decision to use Okume to be more transparent…
It’s lighter, not endangered, and sounds very similar to mahogany.”


Love this bass line. Perfect sound. Perfect line.


I really like this wood they are using.
They call it a Slo Special Neck. What is tge difference between s Slo Special Neck and a Sterling neck?

I wonder if they call it Slo Special as a marketing tool, cuz saying it had a Sterling neck may sound like a downgrade???
Which doesn’t make much sense or a HUGE difference considering Sterling Classic 4’s are still over $2000.

IMHO, the Sterling neck is an Upgrade cuz it makes it fast, and so much smoother, and just so much more comfortable. Like a Jazz to a P Bass

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I never understood the Fender love, and always wondered what I’m missing. They feel so clunky. I started on a basic Squire but when I played some other brands they just felt better. My primary bass is a Schecter Stiletto Stealth now and that thing is so sleek and comfortable and I get some killer tone from it…still I see everyone loving Fender. I’ve even played high end ones at music shops, and didn’t get it. I’m open minded though, what am I missing?


Yes the slo (San Luis Obispo) neck is just the thinner sterling neck, used to be an option you could choose on their other basses. Now it only shows up on one offs it seems.

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What are you missing, nothing :joy:
Its a matter of opinion and other people (like me) agree. I don’t actually hate fender, I have a great appreciation for them and their history. I just don’t like how a lot of people act like they are the only basses worth seriously considering.

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I don’t hate them, just every one I have played just has a clunky feel. Like the neck is a bar of soap or something. It might just be a preference thing, but they are popular and have some classic players behind them.

I’m also happy to not have a Fender Bass. I think if you’re looking for that old thud type tone that bass used to have then yep, get one. But if you want a more modern tone then it would be prudent to hear the tones you can get from modern basses and possibly pay less . I’ve never been a fan of the old Fender sound. I can get that dull sound by stuffing my bass full of foam rubber.

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Have you ever heard of Rufus Mann? He is a YouTuber, and plays a bass very similar to the Dingwall in the photo. Sounds amazing!

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It’s all about the tone. I don’t enjoy the feel of Fenders that much, but that’s the tone our ears have heard on 80-90% of all the records ever, so when you want that sound, you kinda gotta go Fender. Cursed by nostalgia…


Your Peavy looks nice! Haven’t seen one anywhere though. I’m slightly tempted by Rickenbacker, but I have been really loving the Schecters. Have considered looking for a P-Bass for the tone though…


Just starting out my Bass journey and playing my sons Yamahaha. I’m wanting a Fender player series P or J as I want to understand the love for Fenders. I’m probably opting for the P bass but it is difficult to decide when I am so inexperienced

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