Yup, especially in this case
Seriously Toby this thing is begging to be sanded down, painted bright yellow with some flames. It could be very cool as a Frankenbass project and those EMG J-pups are worth double the rest of the bass combined.
A Spector would be my dream bass and I’ve had my eye on this particular one for a while, a Euro 4LT in violet fade with Bartolini pick-ups and active Darkglass Pre-amp. The thing is at my level of ability (somewhere between beginner and intermediate) I can’t really justify over two grand on a bass when I have a perfectly good Fender Jazz. One day I will convince myself that ability has nothing to do with it if I want something and can afford it and then I’ll be posting pictures of my shiny new Spector but until that day I have the photo…
I am not taking the trade obviously, but the finish was the one thing I actually liked. It not cracker box , cookie cutter finish, it is dirty, ugly, brash and punk rock.
If I were to get it and gut it and upgrade, the one thing that would stay would be the finish.
Now that is gorgeous and is pushing all my buttons. Need to see if a black bridge is an option
Not for me (I love the concept but have owned two Warwick Streamers, the Warwick clone of that Spector line, and know it’s not for me personally) - but for a Spector fan that looks stellar.
@T_dub this looks like a Samick LB11 to me, which was also sold under the Silvertone brand name, and possibly a couple of other ones as well. Supposedly not a bad instrument, but definitely not worth more than about $70 - $90 if you ask me.
See, this color is getting there
Needs to be a little more obnoxious.
Yeah, thats what I figured. the guy offering it in trade is trying to make it out to be equal value, and I thought I may as well just check around before I flat out reject the trade.
But My feelings have been validated, and I would counter with this bass and $250 cash for my Ray4HH, or no trade. Thanks for the backing up info.
The EMG J set is about $180 new. The rest of the bass doesn’t matter much compared to those, that’s what’s really up for trade.
So used, figure $100 for them alone, maybe?
Something for this topic for sure:
Nice. This is actually from a Luthier in Oakland. Guy holding the gun bass is E-40. This Luthier (Roque Batty) also made a guitar for Santana, and it is a stunning piece of art.
Looks like a bass that allows you to really… Dig in
Rockabilly or Pyschobilly maybe? If they don’t use a stand up?
Apparently a super nice guy in person.
That bass IS cool even if cheesy!
I think your digging yourself into a hole there @Wombat-metal,
Cheers Brian