Thanks, Pam! I guess you had very much something else to worry about around that time
Hope you are improving each day!!
Thanks, Pam! I guess you had very much something else to worry about around that time
Hope you are improving each day!!
Yeah, I have a lot of catching up to do.
Today is my one year bassaversary…that went by quick! Only my third month on the forum, but I checked my amazon order history and it says 2/11/2022 my first POS Ibanez was delivered. I initially only bought the instrument to see if I would enjoy playing it and I got so incredibly sucked in, here we are a year later and I am so happy with the progress I have made. I just finished my 23rd full cover last night, with the first one finished on 1/18 of this year. Not sure I can keep up that kind of pace as I move into more difficult material, but my mindset has quickly shifted from “I can’t play that” to “What can’t I play?”. I enrolled in the B2B in December, and still haven’t finished (currently on Module 15). Josh and the whole BassBuzz community have been incredibly helpful for me so I want to give a big thank you to everyone here that has helped me. Can’t wait to see where I am at the end of year 2!
You’re doing extremely well for being only a year in!
It’s been four years since I joined the BassBuzz gang! Looking forward to the next four+ years with all of you great people here on the best forum on the interweb.
Pretty much work in progress (very much so…), but I wanted to post something to commemorate my 5th bassiversary (Dec 1).
Also, Happy Birthday, Jaco!
This is from Palewell Park (composer: Bill Bruford) and has a tricky bass part with long jumps along the fingerboard and across strings. Jeff Berlin played on the original and I have a long way to go to get there (and finish the rest of the piece).
(Recorded only with the laptop microphone - sorry for the sub-par sound here).
You sound great there!
Am I hearing it wrong or is the piano often dischordant? I don’t mean with you, I mean with itself. At times it sounded pretty chromatic.
Wow, five years. Congrats. I think mine is in March.
Well done, my friend. Really melodic. Kudos to you!
Yes, you are probably right. The piano track is not EQ’ed out from the original - it’s from a guy here in Denmark who plays bass and piano and had sent me the “piano only” part. He is more of a bassist than a piano player, but it’s also probably not recorded with the hightest fidelity to start with. And… potentially not fully in tune internally
Yeah, I know… Where have those years gone?
I know you are right behind me! (There’s gotta be a few more of us old-timers in here remaining…)
Thanks, Mike - it’s a long-term project… The remainder of the tune gets a bit hairier still
You got this. Just a matter of doing the work.
Well done and congratulations on five years!
Thank you kindly, Jerry!
4 years today!
And got a great family of bass friends to boot!
Happy Bassaversary John!
Three days late, but I’ve now hit my 2 year bassaversary
Reflecting on the last two years, learning bass has been one of the most satisfying and rewarding experiences of my life. From someone who always wanted to be able to play an instrument to someone who can comfortably grab my bass and just play….what a joy. I’ve been able to learn so many songs I thought I’d never be able to play, and yet there’s so much left to learn that’s way beyond my current skill set. Excited to see what I can learn by year 3!
Happy Bassaversary @Ant !
Loved it. Also, the look and tone of that Mayones
Thank you kindly, brother