(scales/chords fretboard web visualizer)

Cool. You did it faster than I could respond to your message. This is a good idea.


I’ll wait, until I get my head around cords, scales and so on. @eric.kiser where does this fit into @JoshFossgreen course?


I don’t think it fits into the B2B course as much as it fits at the end when you want to start exploring how all the scales, modes, chords, and chord tones fit together and how they all fit on the fret board.

Did I miss anything @gcancella?


I think It can be useful whenever Josh mentions a major/minor scale/chord/pattern. it can help develop a better sense how it all positions in the fretboard and start learning where the 3rds and the fifths are, etc etc.

It can also jumpstart learning where the notes are. My only advice is to not depend too much on the tool or else it will be a crutch. Use your bass and your brain and try to figure it out. If you know where an A is, you can get to an F without any problems. What did it for me was shifting my mindset from “where” to “how it got there”. I mean, thinking intervals instead of notes


Just added a new feature. You can now check chords derived from scales.

Take a look at


@gcancella Is this change a response to this discussion in Keys other than major/minor thread?

Showing the relationships @Gio was talking about? Or am I reading too much into this?

I know I could try and inspect this for myself but there is so much functionality built into and my grasp of what Gio is talking about is poorly formed, at best. I would be afraid I might miss it.


It’s actually related to this post: Your Bass "Ah Hah!" Moments - #34 by gcancella

Technically every scale has n modes, where n is the number of notes within the scale. The chords are basically carved out of the modes.

It all boils down to knowing your scale so well you can start it from any degree and end in the same degree an octave up.


Did a minor update.

It’s now possible to mix bookmarks from different pages (scales, chords and intervals) for even more ease of navigation. The bookmarks are now persistent. If you leave the site and come back on other day, they’re still there until you remove them all. And that brings me to: you can now remove all the bookmarks instead of 1 by 1.

Also added roman numerals to chord derivations

Added major add 2, minor add2 and minor add 9 chords


Man, this has really developed nicely! It has been a while since I checked in to your site!

Every time I visit your page or engage in discussions on theory here, I dive deeper into this rabbit hole and realize how much I still don’t know (and, btw, wrote some nonsense the other day in the other thread about Dorian b2, where I confused natural and melodic minor… oh well!)

I really appreciate the listing of chords for the different scales. I have an idea how to expand that even more… well, I am trying to put together an overview over even more scales, and those could be added to your site, if you wanted to…

A “minor” thing :slight_smile: In the “chord” tab, only the major chord seems to play…

PS: bought you a coffee (or three)!! Well deserved!


Thank you Jörg!

I really do! I want this to be the ultimate reference tool for bass players.

It’s working on my side. What browser did you try? I know the player sometimes has hiccups, I have to look into that. It’s already on my list as I want to add “harmonic” mode to the playback also, similar to what already is happening on the Intervals page.

Cheers! I really appreciate it!


Hm, I think I was on Chrome before (on Mac), but I just tried it using Edge (also on Mac), and indeed there everything worked. Strange - I thought those two browsers pretty much shared the same engine!?! :face_with_monocle:


I’m mainly on chrome also. When you can check if it still happens :pray:


So, I just tested on Chrome on my private computer and it works. Maybe there was something on my work computer that prevented it from functioning on Chrome there (will test again tomorrow).

By the way, in the chord pull-downs, you might also want to change “diminished 7” to “half-diminished 7” :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


It’s fixed!

Now it’s possible to have a sneak peek to the chords by hovering with the mouse


Fixed some issues that exist since the beginning. I think @T_dub mentioned them also. I finally came around and fixed those. And for that to happen I had to rebuild the Keyboard component from the ground up. It was worth it though, in it’s previous state it wasn’t very flexible.

So now, whenever you click a key on the keyboard or a note on the visualizer they will play and reflect on the other instruments

It even works on the chords popups

I also am now showing notes on the Keyboard. I think I will make this an option configurable on the settings tab. I personally miss the cleanliness of the Keyboard

Other minor bugs and color fixes were made also.

@joergkutter contributed with some more scales, I’m studying how to better organize the scales. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated (thank you Jörg!)

Merry Christmas guys!

PS: In the previous deploy, I added more instrument configurations, partially to ease my ukulele player girlfriend. You can now choose between Bass, Guitar and Ukulele and some preset tunings. They’re all using the bass sound samples though.


Mini survey: Do you think the keyboard display is fine as it is? Or do you think it is overkill to have 2 keyboards on the page?

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Wow, so much work, and so worth it, it really is great. Thanks for the great effort.


Added the harmonic modes! I have to refactor the way scales are generated. They were tuned for 7 or less note scales and need a bit of rework to better accommodate scales with more than 7 notes.

Added a mode numeral indicator to the scales list

I’m trying a new layout on the scale information panel


Oh, wow, that looks awesome, @gcancella - I’ll check this out more thoroughly tomorrow!

Not easy to keep all that information organized AND accessible, but what a resource…!


I think it is really impressive considering the amount of information in there now!! Some scales are certainly “exotic”, but good to have them all there. I would still like to see the Bebop scales as a group, even though they are “just” variants of already covered scales (with the added chromatic passing notes).

How did you “collect/find” all the chords that go with the scales?? That alone is just such a great resource…

There are some minor tweaks that could be done to improve it some more: for instance, some of the shape info starts on very high frets (e.g. for G scales on the 15th fret) - is there a particular reason for that? The shapes seem to develop from right to left over the fingerboard as opposed to left to right (at least that would seem more natural for me). Again, perhaps you could have a “mirroring” option…

I am sure I will be able to provide more feedback as I plan to dive more into this fantastic tool over the next weeks!

Thanks again on putting this all together!!