GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 2)

Got three guitars Yamaha Guild and Epiphone.


Reverse Gas ever happen to you? So, my Sire P5 was getting all my playing time, so I decided to put it away and take out my Sterling Ray34. I was frustrated and couldnā€™t get it to sound the way I wanted. I then went to Guitar Center just to look around. I saw a used Ibanez headless and man it felt great, and was super cool looking. It sounded a little muddy otherwise, I would have traded in my Sterling for it. I decided to go home and think about it. I plugged in the Sterling, fiddled with a couple knobs on the amp, and the Ray34 sounded amazing. I forget that the amp set up for each bass is different. Anyway, saved me some $. Gas Relief!



Give this a watch sometime you might find it edifying and save your wallet.


@Barney That is super helpful. Thank you. Definitely P Bass and Stingray are different ends of the spectrum, so it makes sense and that video helped a lot. Except ā€¦ now I apparently need a Darkglass


:joy: That was not my intention


PM me Iā€™ll talk you out of it.


@Al1885 Thanks. I am fine going directly into the amp or Hotone mini. I have no need for that fancy equipment.

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The HD somehow showed up on my porch yesterday. Got it opened up and did some tuning, seems to work great. I was kinda surprised it didnā€™t come with a power cord. Does anybody have a rec for a good cord that wonā€™t fry this thing?



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There should be a 9V battery inside. Alternatively, you can use a 9V center negative power supply. If you want to use it to power another pedal as well, make sure the power supply has enough mA.


Power supplies from Cioks are quite popular. I have a Strymon Ojai, which is also very nice.


Thanks, I went on a quest looking for this but Iā€™m not sure what mA it needs or even what a center negative cord is, I just donā€™t have any experience with pedals. I was hoping somebody had a power cord that has worked for them.

The minimum requirement is 9V DC Regulated 85mA according to the instruction manual. You can probably find power adapters from a few hundred mA upwards. I donā€™t have that much experience with those, as I run my pedals through a pedal board power supply.
The most import thing is the center negative part. Otherwise, you might just destroy the tuner :grimacing:

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Itā€™s pretty standard for pedals not to come with power cords unless they have really high power consumption, like a multi effect pedal. The basis is that most players have more pedals than they use at one time so thereā€™s no sense making them pay for a power supply with every pedal they buy.

The Boss/Roland power supply is a standard for powering a single pedal.

There are power supplies for multiple pedals as well if youā€™re planning on an entire pedalboard. Hereā€™s a link to one of the Cioks Joerg mentioned:


The 1Spot is a great option, and you can get a daisy chain cable if you want to power multiple devices. Iā€™ve been using it for a while, it works great.

I just built a pedalboard, though and used an isolated power supply with it:


Iā€™m buying a baritone this weekend to turn into a bass vi, then a real big boy pedalboard next payday. Iā€™ve got pedals that I havenā€™t taken out of the box yet because I donā€™t have space on my desk anymore. I might need need one of these extensions for it before all is said and done. Iā€™m using the bigger MXR PS atm.


Q. How do you know if your GAS is out of control?

A. :wink:


I didnā€™t buy the ones still in boxes tbf. I left them in an Amazon shopping list and my daughters bought them for me for Christmas.


If I put some stuff in a wishlist, will your daughters buy them for me? :smiley:


ā€œWish in one handā€¦ā€