What is a good one stop source for accurate bass tabs? I would like to not have to have to miss a beat looking all over the net for tabs. And on a budget would be great. Where do you like to get bass tabs in a flash?
The YouTube channel CoverSolutions has lots of bass covers that include play-along tabs. If he hasn’t covered the song I’m looking for, I usually just go to Songsterr.
It can be hit and miss with any tab service.
I use guitar pro app a lot. Most of the pro tabs are fairly accurate. But not all.
I use Songsterr and Chordify as well. Chordify is different. It just gives the chords. However, it’s a good way to start developing your own style and improv ability on bass.
Chordify is the way to go. If you keep relying on tab, you’ll never blossom as a bass player.
A one stop shop for free and actuate bass tabs would be wonderful, but no such place exists that I’m aware of. As already mentioned, Coversolutions on YouTube is great but limited to what songs they have. Songster is fairly reliable, and better than most websites since you can see and hear it together. After that you have Google which will bring you to places like bigbasstabs and others that are very hit or miss. Unfortunately none of these places will be 100% accurate, and none will have all the songs you are looking for.
The BEST source should always be… YOU… Trust your own instincts…
I agree with @PamPurrs - you might not wanna get in the habit of depending on tabs (and even some sheet music) too awful much… Develop your ear to listen and hear whats being played,… start with simple root notes… Then,… “Use the FORCE”. The music will tell you what to play… Besides, the “Best” bass line groove is the one expressed from within yourself…
Keep on Thumpin’!
Second for songster, i really like using that app. it’s not perfect by any means, but i think the best approach with tabs is to just use it as a baseline (bassline? hah), then use your ears to fill out what’s missing. that’s one of my favorite ways to learn anyway
Cover Solutions is my go to and fortunately he does a lot of music I like.
This .
Finding good tabs can be very frustrating. Especially if what your searching for isn’t something particularly popular.
omg yes, he is absolutely amazing
i also watch Joshua Cover Studio, Bass Weapon and Rod Nieder
My opinion is Ultimate-guitar.com is the best by far.
I like them too, unfortunately they only include tab and not notation. I have expressed my displeasure with the owner(s) and have been told they are working on it. Meanwhile, I have to manually convert the tab of the song I want to notation so I can play it.
Even some of their tabs are not 100%.
Good starting point but then as @Lanny has pointed out try and trust your ears
Constantine Isslamow has a great Youtube channel that has downloadable bass transcriptions in both tab and notation (for those that want to read music).
Here’s the problem I am having… I have purchased music and look for stuff online. I am seeing the same song or bass riff noted several different ways. Is this common? It’s a little frustrating.
Very common:
Welcome aboard @pywacketfrog,
Enjoy the ride,
Con has great transcriptions on his website, I have recently used his
Transcript of “Seasons in the sun” & “Angel of Harlem” https://bilgerats.billlanahan.com/2020/12/13/angel-of-harlem/https://bilgerats.billlanahan.com/2020/12/02/seasons-in-the-sun/
Cheers Brian
You can check them out here
@TNKA36 your links got messed up. Might want to fix them
OK, so I guess these are the two separate links that got combined in @TNKA36’ post: