Introduce Yourself! (2025)

man … THIS needs to be on BassBuzz T-shirts. ( if they ever come into reality … lol )


faydout and PlayBetter… will do.


Hey Buzzin_Canada-John, Thanks!

I got to meet Steve Ritchie at a pinball convention a couple of years ago, and he was as sharp and gruff as advertised. I saw him walking down a hallway alone, sidled up to him and said “Hello Sir, I just want to tell you that I am a HUGE fan of your work.”

Without missing a beat, he replied “Well I’M a huge fan of green beards!” I had been dyeing my beard green for a short time then, and it was bright neon green, coming halfway down my shirt. Later on he was more than happy to sign some of my Led Zeppelin pinball flyers (which he designed as his last game at Stern Pinball). Great guy!


Sounds a lot like Johnny Depp (when he would visit children’s hospitals as Jack Sparrow) … He’d make sure the discussion/encounter was about them… not him. He sounds awesome :slight_smile:


Evening bassists :wave: Happy new year folks, hope you’re all well (only just stumbled on the thread doh)

The names Glenn, 36 from sunny(i wish) England, UK.

Super new here, had an urge around christmas time to get myself a bass so spent a while browsing and stumbled on BassBuzz on YT (great videos @JoshFossgreen by the way) watched a few and thought yup gonna give this a whirl. Purchased the most basic of basic setups from a music shop on NYE

No name with a dire little amp, which actually plays okay (surprisingly).

So far worked through Modules 1-4 (billy jean is currently my nemesis!!). really enjoying it so far though, super well structured. huge fan of the doing music straight out the gate.

But this isnt my first rodeo… many moons ago (talking nearly 20years) i had a Tanglewood electro acoustic and this monstrousity…

Neither of which i really played so ended up selling, never had lessons, and YT wasnt the encyclopedia/tool it is today so never got off the ground with either.

Already eyeing up a “better” branded amp and bass, but my my what a rabbit hole it is. 1 review saying 1 thing and another completely contradicting it for any and every bass you put in the contender pile. Unfortunately no guitar centres or decent music shops near me so “try before you buy” isnt an option.

anywho, Hi, and bye!

Glenn :slight_smile:


Welcome @Glennk44
Have fun!


Welcome @Glennk44 !


Welcome, @Glennk44. Glad you’re here. Enjoy the lessons!


Hello Everyone, I am Filip from Belgium, joined late 2024. Like it here. I am struggling quite a lot, probably because I am not very handy, lol, and also because of my age of 61. Got farther than ever though. Somewhere around lesson 42 by now. Slower than most of you but I am having fun, that’s all worth it. My major problem is speed. Quarter notes are most of the time OK, but eight notes is a bit of a problem. Practice practice practice… muscle memory training…


Welcome @fiwi
Keep on having fun!


Welcome @fiwi :wave:


Welcome Filip! Great to have you here.


Welcome @fiwi ,

Please understand something here , I was 100% in your same shoes when I joined in 2020. My guitar friend when say and show me on his fret board ," It Goes Like This."

He would become so frustrated with me because I would fumble every time. I remember when he was trying to teach me Louie Louie and we decided that day not to play together anymore.

My first year on Bass Buzz was challenging but I joined thinking I could tackle the course in three easy months. Seriously , I stuck with it and worked my way through the course TWICE.

Now , exercises just click , my fingers communicate with each other , and it’s all because of this group and Bass Buzz. Don’t get me wrong , I still suffer from Noobie moments.

My advice is this ; Slow Down. Practicing is one thing BUT slow down when learning these basic steps. Just simply slow down and smile often.

Stay Strong ,


Welcome. @fiwi. Glad you’re here. Enjoy the lessons!


Hi everybody! I’m 36.
I’ve had an on-again-off-again relationship with the pursuit of learning instruments through my life. I played piano for a handful of years in elementary school, but entered the world of guitar in elementary school courtesy of my dad and his Peavey T-60. I briefly picked up the bass in high school, first an Ibanez and then an OLP 5-string. Through my late teens and 20s, I stopped because, well… I don’t really know.
I picked up the guitar again at the beginning of 2024, promising myself I wouldn’t put it down again. I did well to stick to the habit and get better, to the point where I rewarded myself with a brand-new American Professional Stratocaster in May.
In September, I was actually shopping around on Reverb for a new six-string, but somewhat spontaneously and for reasons unknown, wound up putting a Yamaha TRBX305, amp, and Zoom B1xFour in my cart and clicking that “Checkout” button… and let me tell you… it has been a journey since then! I have gravitated towards the bass with a magnetism that I can’t comprehend. I’ve been enjoying Josh’s videos along with a handful of others on YouTube, practicing daily and working hard to learn more and get better. I closed out 2024 with the purchase of a SBMM Ray34, making a half-hearted promise to myself that 2025 would not include any more gear acquisitions… here we are 12 days in and I’ve already purchased a DAI and a new headphone amp… sigh… maybe just… no more guitars? We’ll see…


“Low Downs”! We have friends in low places :slight_smile:


Welcome @BassyBunch
Have fun!


Absolutely haha :laughing: Welcome all newbies, super excited to have you on board, and may your G strings never loosen or go flat!


Welcome @fiwi and @BassyBunch !


Welcome, @BassyBunch. Glad you’re here. Enjoy!