Let’s Rally Gang - an update on our Bad Ass Bass Gal @PamPurrs

I had noticed @PamPurrs was quiet here and also over at Ari’s FB page, where she sometimes hangs out too. Agree with you 100% @John_E re Pam being our Matriarch. When I first joined up she was a great voice of reason in relation to any number of newbie questions and very, very welcoming. I am sending all the good vibes I have in me over your way so you can beat this F$%#er into oblivion.

Much love and healing vibes xx



Visiting this forum has become risky for any good mood I might be in. :no_mouth:

This makes me feel somewhere between pissed off and shocked at the same time. Which is immaterial and completely insignificant compared to how it makes Sara and Pam surely feel.

I can only hope you’ll get through this as comfortably as possible, and come out victorious at the other end.

That’s pretty much everything useful I can think of to say. The rest is just frustrated expletives.
In Dutch, to make it sound more frightening.


All I can say is my thoughts are with you Pam and Sara. I’m sure your bad ass can beat this.


For a moment I was speechless. Why do good, kind people have to face so much suffering?
But no. No, no, no, it won’t take you @PamPurrs
You have to fight and we are all here for you. Please be strong. I am sending a lot of love, support and hugs :heart::people_hugging::heart:


Pam, you and I had become quick friends, and had it not been for all my health reasons and my own struggles to keep on this forum as often as Have, one of this reasons that kept me coming back was because of you.
I sure hope you kick this next bout of cancer right in the balls and make it thru in fine fashion. as we all know that is not always the reality, but it is my reality for you.
Best of luck, and I hope you feel well soon, and recover sooner.
I know you have Sara on your side, and I hope she can make you stronger and pull the youth out of you.
You have all my love always

If ever you must pear with the Frank Bello, and I am in position to get it, I would love to have it to remember you by.


Hang in there Pam :heart:! Show that mofo what happens when they come for seconds


Ahhhhh dammit.

You’re a damn champion, @PamPurrs .
Your humor and tenacity and toughness come through on this forum!
I’m wishing you all the best and pulling for you hard!


Wanting nothing but the best for you Pam


@PamPurrs , I am so sorry to hear this horrible news. However, if there is one thing I’ve learnt about you, it’s that you can use your strength of character as an anvil to bend horseshoes on. And if you set your mind to it, you will beat this.

While this probably has little meaning to you now, please know that the whole bass crew on B2B is pulling for you. Also, from me personally, it is an honour to have made your virtual acquaintance. I look forward to many more interactions here, because they have enriched my life over the two years since I joined.

However, first and foremost, never mind us. Take care of yourself and of yours. That’s what’s truly important.


Hang in there Pam, you got this!


You don’t have to be on this forum for very long to realize what a big part of the community Pam is. May all of our thoughts and songs and prayers for healing rise up and multiply, get better soon BABG.


Sending you and Sara all the good vibes from the west coast! I hope to see you on here for a long time to come.



Tough times never last, but tough people do.

I know you can beat this.

Stay strong.


That is very sad to hear & not a single person deserves to deal with this let alone a 2nd time. I pray she can win this battle once again.


@PamPurrs Sorry to hear about this. Know that you are loved and missed by us. Focus on yourself and Sara. Big hug.




So sorry to hear this, when I took the course two years back I remember you’re comments throughout the course. that helped inspire me throughout with you’re dedication, then you’re awesome bass covers.You truly have rocked this forum. Best wishes .


As I read all the positive comments about our @PamPurrs and how much she means to this forum at its corse essence, I have been reflecting on why I’m so active here. There are many many people that make this place so great, but it was certainly you @PamPurrs that drew me in and made me feel like I wanted to be a part of this community in a buffer way.

I had never done a cover before. Never recorded me playing at all, including 10+ years on sax and many more prior on trumpet. You were the inspiration here for sure. You and @JerryP talked me into the virtues of a Hofner.

All my video editing knowledge came from you 100%.
And of course…our bass twins.


Just positive energy…


Forever late to the party, but dammit, dammit, dammit!

@PamPurrs I have enjoyed “seeing” you on a few hangs and representing the women on this forum. You indeed seem like quite the force to be reckoned with.

Peaceful strength to you and Sara.
