Multiple Bass Disorder (MBD)

Now . . . THAT sounds like an accountant talking, @peterhuppertz ! . . . :wink:


My accountant is not impressed.

:innocent: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kiss: Ok honey, sounds like a plan. Letā€™s sit down and draw up an agreement on how much less youā€™re going to spend in the pub. :gift_heart: :hatched_chick: :dolphin:


(butā€¦ shhhā€¦ the idea is to turn that argument back on her when she tells you she saved money by buying those shoes at a 40% discount!)


(hint: maintain eye contact, back away slowly, then make a run for the door)


Just say it was reduced from a $1000. Bingo!


Gotta love that logic :heart: :guitar: :musical_note:


I had four basses at one point, although my husband thought I only had three. I had one stashed in the closet. Luckily he doesnā€™t really know how much basses cost, so I can say, well this one only cost $200! (It was $900). I only have two right now and eyeing up a third. I NEED another jazz bass. :smile:


Iā€™m definitely seeing some wise strategies on here today @quadfather @rebecca.Jean


I love that Bass @quadfather.
As you may notice, Orange is my favorite color, and a theme.

I could buy a bass on that argument alone, so the three you listed are perfectly logical and sound in my mind. Heck, I just ordered two pedals because they were the last available for list price. Behringer pedals list at $28, and since many are out of stock, possibly out of production atm, many sellers have them listed as high as $$119, so I snagged the Octaver and Tuner available for &28 each on Amazon.

And although, It is not orange, I am tempting fate with another Bass later today.

I set up a time to go look at and play that ESP LTD B4-E that is for sale in my area, so , what logic am I going to use to not leave with it in my hands??? Lol


I would never get away with thatā€¦ how do you keep him away from that closet?


Something you might like that I have never seen before: a (maybe passive?) Warwick Streamer with a single P-pickup :slight_smile:

hmm, three knobs, so probably still active 2-band like most Warwicks.

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Iā€™m not a big fan of Warwick basses, I much prefer a passive Fender


Yeah mostly I was surprised they made a single-pickup P, never seen that on a Warwick.


maybe a special order ?

Yeah must be.

Haha Iā€™m hearing everything you say!

When I went to the shop (pre-war) to get my P bass, when I saw it in the shop and had a play, my brain did something to me, so it put me in the mindset which made me think that the bass is that good, I simply couldnā€™t leave the shop without it. It was as if it was already mine and I just had the relatively simple job of taking it home :smiley:


Well, I decided at 51 to take up an instrument. It was either drums or bass. One fits under the bed much easier and can go in a standard car.
So bass it was. After watching Bassbuzz gear selection videos, I figured at Yamaha TRBX304 might be the way to go.
I bought my first bass on the 11th of November last year, 176 days ago. Since then, Iā€™ve acquired a few more.
People just keep throwing them at me for such little money.
Technically, I have two Mikros as I lent one to a friend so she could survive lockdown.
I lasted a week before I bought another one.
The most expensive one so far has been the BTB400QM. It was only 100 bucks, but cost me $8000 in hail damage to the car I wouldnā€™t have been driving, if I hadnā€™t had to go pick it up.
I bought it to convert to headless and but for a finishing coat and power connector wire for the new EQ, it will be up and running.

Amps and cabs also got a little bit out of control. My friends who are professional musicians yelled at me for buying such a thing for a living room practice amp, but then borrowed it for gigs.

Iā€™m having a heap of fun and the neighbors donā€™t hate me yet. One day, Iā€™ll take it past 5 on the dial and they may change their minds.

So, where did that T shirt in the original post come from? I can stop whenever I want.
Iā€™m still after a Yamaha TRBX304.


You have the worst case of multiple bass disorder (MBD) that Iā€™ve ever seen, @admacdo! . . . :open_mouth:

(good luck in your search for that 304, though. :wink: )

Cheers, Joe


I absolutely love the look of the RX500, especially the headstock.


Itā€™s not quite correct. I wasnā€™t able to get the headstock to separate correctly from the background and itā€™s taken the right hand side off the headstock. :smiley:
Same thing happened a bit with the SR400FL


I would like to take a moment to encourage the excessive-ness of this rig.

I donā€™t care if itā€™s practical. I still want a rig that can punch me in the chest.
:metal: :smiling_imp: :+1:


Nice collection! I have tended to stick with the 7s26 movements, but ā€¦ things got away on me.
Where did you find this one?

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