Sourced that one from a mate in England. It originally had a white date wheel in it. It’s a nice field watch thingy, powered by a humble, but very accurate 7T92, The nice thing about it is that the Arabic numerals are lumed.
It’s been put on a new (army-green nubuck) strap, since the one it came on was pretty worn.
It’s quite interesting. I thought I knew what it was. Definitely British military, but it’s not one of the three familiar ones I know. Don’t lose it!
I should probably just avoid the Reverb website from now on.

Meet my new (to me) Ibanez SR1305. I almost bought one of these 2 years ago but went a different direction. That mistake has been rectified. The seller said it’s a 2016 but it looks brand new. No marks anywhere. The black hardware was apparently a Sweetwater exclusive.
@joeike Man, that is pretty.
Yes, @admacdo, I am not the worst case of MBS in the forum.
I know exactly what you mean. If I look, without trying, I can find something I can’t say no too. For instance, there are 6 Squire P Basses that showed up on Let Go and Offer Up in the past 36 hours. They all look to be well cared for, almost new and un played, and they are all $150 or under, down to $75.
It’s a good thing that I can pass on Squire P basses, if they were let’s say, Schecter Elite 4’s, or ESP Ltd F’s, or a Cort Curbow for that matter, I might breakdown, even after yesterday.
Nice collection. How do you like your Cort Curbow. I have never played one, but love the look and really want to hold one. Of course if I were to hold it, I would end up buying it, so after yesterday, the search is on halt for now.
Is that a Hartke 4x10 stack?
I have one too, but got it in a package and it is currently for sale. Got this package for $400 and only wanted the Schecter Elite 5. Sold the The head already for $100.
Lastly, I found this yesterday. For $40, how can you say no? You can’t.
This was already a decided purchase, I will get tomorrow. After that, I am deleting the Let Go and Offer up app from all my devices.
Well, I will delete after I sell the Hartke. I will just fight the urge to browse. I hope.
I am legit jealous and I don’t even want a 5-string. The Ibanez premium line are fantastic.
The only bass I have seriously considered upgrading my TRBX604 to is an Ibanez SR2400APL:
Not gonna (I love my 604) but damn.
Dooooooooo IT!!! @howard
That is a damn fine looking instrument. If it were orange, I would have it on top of my bass bucket list.
The curbow is the only bass I’ve got that I haven’t managed to get to the right action yet. My bass playing friends all like it. It needs some work to sort out the slap switch settings.
I discovered the LH1000 in a pawn shop the day before seeing it advertised for 1000 bucks more. So I went back and bought it. The manager does me deals and suggested that I take the first XL 4x10. I agreed if I could get it into my car.
As it turns out, it’s exactly JUST small enough. So I went back and paid for it. The second one I found about a month later and the guy I bought it from asked how I was going to get it home.
I told him I’d throw it in the back seat.
He bet me I couldn’t do it.
So that’s how I got it twenty bucks cheaper…
Nope. Happy with two basses, in fact kind of wish I only had one (I like having just one), despite loving both of mine
Also really happy with the 604. I don’t really want to upgrade it.
But if I did it would be to the SR2400.
I know you are @howard, and that’s great.
I was just playing around with a friendly…push!!!
I just put down my SR300 (which does have a 3 band EQ with only 4 knobs.m. One is a stacked 2band EQ) and am picking up my B4-E for a bit.
I was messing around with the Mikro earlier. That’s the only one I got that didn’t need any set up adjustments. The ESP action was set great, but the neck was a little too flat. After a lil adjustment, it’s awesome. I did a lil adjustment to the truss to flatten out the SR300 and lowered the action slightly, and put on a set of Black Beauties.
Only bass I have not touched today is the Schecter 5 string. It’s put away to make room for the new guys.
See, this is the very thing that makes it impossible not to collect.
$50 for both in fine working order, a few cosmetic blemishes, missing knob or two.
And then I say, Well, I have two cabinets with no heads. One cab goes with the combo, but probably will sound great with the GK.
Then I could make the Hartke Cab for sale more attractive with a fender head.
Or see which has the best sound, after playing thru each for a bit, and sell the rest, for a profit, because I am only $200 into amps with the SWR combo and Cab. The Hartke came with the Schecter which goes for $400 anyway.
Edit: I think I just need to be a buyer and seller of equipment, especially buying low during this Covid days, even tho it may be over this week.
That wayI play with it all. Mix and match things to sell for top value, and keep the stuff Ilike. No, keep no more of it, just enjoy it til it sells for a profit…
Oh, I like that Orange amp. 40 dollars? I gotta get me one of those.
Can you IMAGINE what it would look like with that O bass
It’s a match made in heaven @quadfather!
Looks as if we have a number of bad cases of MBD and GAS around here
(but as long as we stay six feet apart, we should be ok )
Cheers, Joe
no, no, no, no, it’s all going wrong! I can’t possibly get another amp…
Turns out the 80 euro bass I forcibly forced myself not to buy is a Cort Action, which is actually recommended by Josh.
And it’s still available.
Lord, give me strength.
I really shouldn’t have come to this site. We’re all dooming each other
a friend had one. pretty nice instrument for the price, I must say (as often with Cort). sorry, I don’t help …
Just… shut up, okay?