Multiple Bass Disorder (MBD)

Seed now sown…




Nooo sir. No. Hard pass. Me no do it, it do me in.

(Help me somebody)


Steady . . . steady there, @peterhuppertz . . . . . just take deep breaths and then exhale very slowly . . . you can do it! :wink:

Cheers, Joe


“Use the Force, Luke”


Now you know what I went thru with the ESP LTD B4-E. It just sat there, showing up every time O opened the Let Go app, calling for me to come rescue it from neglectful living situation.

And just think @peterhuppertz, the longer it sits there waiting for you to come to the rescue, the more likely the seller is to let you have it for 70 Euros, or 65 even. 50 possibly.

Sorry, I know I am not helping.



Ok @Bassbot what have I done now?
I’ve told that as I’ve replied twice that I must let others join the topic. There are 225 posts and most folk have replied more than thrice.
I must be the Bad Bass Boy AGAIN. :sleepy:


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @Bassbot display help.

That’s just an automatic response from the system, @Jamietashi

You can reply as often as you like . . . :slight_smile:

Cheers, Joe


Thanks Joe, @Jazzbass19 I just wasnt sure of the protocol.
The Bad Boy of Bass :rofl: :joy:


I’ve set an alert – when the ad is on the verge of running out, I’m gonna make him a 50 euro offer and see what giveth.

On a somewhat more serious note: what makes this easier for me is that I procured the Gregg Bennet J-bass for 80 euros already – a deal which included a stand, a strap, an instrument lead and a Peavey 10W practice amp.
Since Josh preferred the Squier J-bass over the Cort, and since my luthier said that this Gregg Bennett is superior to Squier’s output (which makes sense, since the Squier is made by the same factory), I don’t think I really NEED the Cort – which looks as if it comes from that very same factory as well!

But if I can get it for 50 euros, then I’ll…

… probably have to think of a very good excuse to my beloved. :laughing:


Goot job on the alert @peterhuppertz

So today. I finished my purchasing and am deleting the apps. Well, I have things for sale, so keeping them, but only opening any alerts about my items for sale.

I got that Orange Crush Practice Amp, ( and put the Peavey that came with my first bass purchase up for sale on Let Go and Offer Up) for $40.

Then I went to look at these. Listed as working with minor issues., both a GK Backline and Fender BXR for $50 together.

So, the GK is great, sounded awesome on HIS ESP LTD F-204 ( really nice, I almost tried to buy it lol) and it has a finiky input port but if you secure the cord, it works just fine. I will probably open it and fix whatever is loose causing. The occasional short. No big deal.

The Fender BXR however, took some playing with to get working. The compression button has an issue, and you have to press it and mess with it til is engages, and once it does, it sounded great. Not GK great, but good none the less.
After playing for about 5 min, it gave out a loud squeaking static’s feed backy ( not the good kind) noise. Had to turn off and reset.
Def something wrong, needs some work.

I told him I would take the GK if he will separate. He said if they were not gone by Friday, they are going in the trash, “make me a reasonable offer”

I said $20 for the GK, and if you want, I will haul off the BXR.

I have a buddy that will take the fender apart and see if it’s something that can be repaired without needing new parts. If so, I got a BXR, If not, I will Offer It up as is for $20 and see if I get my money back.

So I am now done. For sure, for now.

Another thing about this last transaction.

He asked if I know anybody that wants any of the rest of this stuff, pointing to guitar heads and half stacks and monitors and more. He said it’s all going in the trash if nobody buys it, and the dumpster he ordered shows up.

I told him I know a music program he can donate it to. He gave me his card and said call Friday.

I looked at his card, and it said TKoahn Custom Guitars.
I asked if he was a Luthier, and he said yes.

We got to talking, and asked if he does set ups. He said yes. I said I want to bring him some of mine, and see how I did, and if he can get them better, and let me know where I was off, If I was.
He said, Sure, give me a call.

And he lives only 10 miles away.

I call that a Win Win, even tho I breached my “not buying anything more” by going there after getting the Orange Crush 20b today.

Done with Basses, Done with Amps,

Maybe I need to start getting stufff for recording next.

Or not… :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::wink::wink::wink::wink::sunglasses::sunglasses:




Not what Iwanted to hear @PamPurrs.

How much you want for that U thing btw? :crazy_face:


I haven’t really thought about a price, but I will sell it very reasonably when I do. I have to wait for my new one though, and it’s on mega back-order.


You got a Gallien-Krueger Backline that actually works for $20? That’s amazing.

Forget the Fender, sell it or something - you got a G-K.


I think you’re on to something with that guy.


Yes, Crazy huh @howard, I couldn’t believe it. I can use it on my SWR Workman 4x10 stack. I am sure it will sound amazing, cuz it did sound amazing.

See, there is something to be said for shopping on LG and OU. :wink:

If I can get the Fender Stable, I will add it to the Hartke 8x10 I have up for sale, asking $275. I will add the BXR and ask $300.

Yes @peterhuppertz, I may have found a real gem in this really nice guy. If I can learn more about set up and repair, I can start it as a side hobby that earns a little fun money. Plus have my equipment at top notch at all times.

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Oh yeah @howard, that little Orange Crush I got for $40 is incredible. Now that I have played with it, I would buy it for a practice amp for the $189 easy. It is worth every cent of that.

The deals that cant be passed MUST STOP.

someone send a memo to the world for me please.


They sound great to me too. I seriously considered a Crush 35B instead of my Rumble 25 when I got it.


… and in the same time, I listed my Ampeg for sale at 250€ (which is really cheaper than its actual value) and nobody want to buy it. strange.

it’s not the best amp in the universe, but still a 220w Ampeg with a tube preamp !