Multiple Bass Disorder (MBD)

Here’s another lefty who plays lefty.


Right. There is some slightly better news.
I thought that the pawn shop bass was a fake, but it had some odd characteristics that didn’t make sense. I didn’t have too much time to look at it so went back again and took some photos through the window. Still couldn’t make out the decal so asked for some photos when the staff were in the shop again today. They’re still not open for another week, but this bass AND the case are now there with my name on it.
It won’t be getting chopped or refinished now.
It’s a 1991 to 93 Fender Prodigy. Looks like the cheapest bass in my collection will be an ACTUAL USA made Fender. It beats the previous cheapest bass record holder by one dollar at $99



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Not strictly multiple bass, but…
I play a stingray and so I wanted to give my best friend a covid present. Dropped copper stingray guitar. So pretty, nobody does necks like MM.



You are some Best Friend.
I need to find me a best friend like you.

That is awesome. I bet it cost a pretty penny.
I love the color, but anything Orange gets my immediate attention and love. Copper close enuf to orange for me.

I must say, I like the look of the Bass’s WAY MORE then the guitars.


me too. but I dig the whole 50s vibe to this. I don’t know why it looks 50s ish to me, but it does.

So today the pawn shop opened and I was first in when the door opened.
I now have a 1991 Fender Prodigy, which they thought was a fake.
Other than the paint chip on the body, it’s in excellent condition for something inspected 28 years, 8 months, 8 days ago.
Of course, the graph had to be updated.

I’m impressed with the red permanent pen trick. I thought I’d invented it last week when I painted the headless body.


Hell yes!!!

I may just have to start flipping Basses. Buy them, sit on them, put on a pearl pick guard? Etc…

An SX for $50

*An Squire mod P-Bass
Same one just sold for $300

Not the Fender deal you got, but I mean, I don’t have a P bass, or a modded P bass, but I would sell them for the going rate of like $125 for the SX and $180 for the Squire. Idk, keep, sell, why do people keep doing this???


For a used SX Fender-style that price is pretty much what I would expect. Maybe a little lower if pristine, not much though. I just saw one for $35 (SX Standard, not traditional, but still.)


Really, here in the states? I never see them here.
Guess idk obout them enuf, scratch that one

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Nah, here, but they might even be cheaper there.


Cheaper here? Then $39? Ok, I never looked, just popped up and sounded ridiculous.
Good to know, thanks @howard I will stay off the SX

These are the ones I found on EBay, don’t know where else to look but the distributor, forgot the name.

I was figuring it could sell as high as $125 or so. So maybe not that far off. Idk tho, I will just leave SX alone.

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SX makes a ton of different basses. I actually liked the one I tried a lot. Not trying to turn you off of it, just saying don’t jump because the price is irresistable.

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Yeah, I was only going for price.

I love this graph very very much.


Bad news for all those in the U.S. who are suffering from MBD: All the major music stores are having Memorial Day sales.

You should probably check in with your local MBD Anonymous chapter.



I daren’t look :smiley: and I’m in the UK! I am definitely not looking online today. Absolutely not!


I’ve been taking online shopping lessons from my girlfriend. It seems that what you can do is just order everything you think you may want and return what doesn’t work out. Being that Guitar Center is still closed and I somehow ridiculously want to know what the ol’ Fender P is all about having only finished 1/3 of the course, it arrived!

I have to say I’m really glad I’m exploring this at the moment. Having started the course with a 5 string multi-scale (35.5" for the B), I’m amazed how much an inch matters when it comes to finger reach. I’m also amazed that on a Fender 4 string, it’s possible to drive a truck between the strings. I found it tremendously easy to play and I also found a plucking error. While my across the string plucking was working out fine on the 5 string because I’d run into the other string pretty quickly, I find that on a 4 string I was actually plucking a bit down and don’t make it across to the next string. Plucking fixed! I was also wondering on my long scale 5 string how to possibly play the chugging fast enough because of how far I’d have to pull the string over before it would snap; it just requires an amount of time. The string tension on the Fender is a little higher and the strings snap a lot sooner. On the 5 string I was almost stroking the string more than plucking it to get the speed. This all I’m actually very glad I did since I have both options now and it definitely produces a nice smooth mellow tone to skim the string with my finger pad. So now I’ll do a lesson on one and then practice the last lesson on the other one the next day. This is tremendously fun and I’m learning a ton about the differences in basses.