Multiple Bass Disorder (MBD)

It’s so desirable!

Smiling through the whole video because this man is having so much fun :slight_smile:


Got my beady eye on this blue one. unfortunately, so have 23 others …


That’s a great color too.


That dude is awesome. He’s like that in all of his YT videos. Don’t know what he’s smoking but I want some :joy:


Yeah, this is my “I can’t afford it” bass

But I think I want it with Black Hardware like this one. IDK If I would ever find this one again, it was Reverb, might have been a special, so the one above with Black hardware will do.

Yes you can

And cuz he is stoned out of his gord. LOL, but fun to watch, I like his channel, especially his HOBO back yard videos. He captures my joy when I open new toys.


Hey @sfadams,
that’s like $4800 aud.
plus postage ,man that’s expensive.
cheers Brian


Yep, I totally agree. I think the seller is leveraging the unusual (and very nice) colour. I’m plucking up courage to put in a bid, but it would be under HK$20,000. At the moment, though, it shows no sign of going so low.


I may sell you one of mine For that type of coin?:sunglasses:,plus postage
Cheers Brian


Gonna have to paint it blue :wink:


Nothing wrong with black or in your case ORANGE :rofl: :joy: @T_dub


Haha, Orange and black works.

I meant if you sell it for the price that is gonna be put on the other one, you would need to paint it blue to match the one being sold.


Doing a bit of woodworking to swap it to lefty orientation would also help with the sale :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Oh yeah, there is that. Lol


Well chaps and chapettes, I’m having a multiple bass disorder reorder. I’m two basses down in two days.
My Cort Curbow is now gone. The day after I looked at it and figured that I don’t use it, a guy IN MY CITY posted an Australia wide Wanted Ad. I sent him a message and he came over, tried out my entire collection (of ones that were in the house at least) and then took my Curbow 4 home with him, having shown me his Five string one. When he found out my Sub 4 was for sale, he had quite a moment of indecision.
Tonight I wrote up and posted the ads for my spare Mikrobass and the SUB 4. The SUB sold within an hour. There’s a friend of a friend coming to try out the Mikrobass as well. Seeing as they’re sold, I can post the ads here. They both got lots of attention:

Note that if you can read this ad, this bass is still available. The instant money hits my hand or account, this ad will be deleted and I will lie about it if questioned by your significant other.

This is a Sterling by Music Man SUB 4. It’s a 34" 21 Fret, made in Indonesia, kickass bass, but you probably know that, being the discerning bass player that you are.

I won’t lie. I saw Juliaplaysgroove on youtube and decided that the sound was what I wanted.
Unfortunately, I also decided that I just couldn’t wait to have a black body, maple neck one like hers, so I grabbed this walnut one when the opportunity arose.
Let this be a lesson for you.
Get that bass that you damn well want.
The EXACT one that you set your heart on.
Don’t get that other one that’s pretty close.
I’ve got what I want now, so there’s not much point keeping this one.

Hey, was your heart set on a walnut SUB 4?
How about that?
You’ve come to the right place.

This one comes with new strings and is set up with a low action.
To get you over that angst of damaging your bass, this one comes with a small area of pre-applied relic damage. Please check the inside top horn photo and the top and rear edges of the head.
Suitable stories to explain the damage can be obtained at a small extra cost.
Story options include but are not limited to:
Jealous ex-lovers, shark attacks, plane crashes and paper cuts. Or combinations of two or more.
Attempting to de-relic this SUB will definitely affect the authentic sound of this bass.

I will part with this for $xxx or more if you really want to.
If you admit to being a Nickleback fan, it’s $2400 but I’ll throw in free delivery and a pizza of your choice supplied by any major franchise in your area.
This bass will not be sold to anyone by the name of Anish Kapoor or anyone acting on his behalf.

And then there’s the Mikrobass:

There’s only one reason I’m selling this and that’s because I have two.
It’s a long story involving the start of lockdown and a girlfriend who wanted to have something to keep her occupied while she was stuck at home.

“Sure!” I said. “I won’t miss it. I have other basses!” then drove away full of angst.
I lasted two weeks before I bought this one.

It has been on bedside inspiration duty ever since. Being passive, you can have it on a stand and left plugged in. A google nest and mirabella remote plug means that you don’t need to get out of bed to turn anything on or plug anything in. Just lean out and pick it off the stand. Some custom commands and “Hey google, turn that big mofo amp on!” can get in those notes you wanted to bed down before bedding down.

It’s totally awesome on Saturday morning for not getting out of bed too.

All things must come to an end. I have my original Mikro back now and it’s finished darker, so this newer one is ready to leave the house.
It’s in pretty damn good condition, with absolutely no doona rash.

It seems that I have to make an obligatory statement about whether this bass was ever gigged or not.

Maybe I DID gig with this.
Maybe I rocked out in front of thousands of sweaty fans under hot spotlights while entertaining mosh pits full of frenzied energy with THIS VERY SAME Ibanez GSRM20 Mikro bass.

Maybe I didn’t.
I will let you decide…
This can be yours for $xxx

It’s pretty much spoken for too. Three basses sold in two days. :frowning:
One guy thanked me for my bedside arena story, so I offered to sell him the tour snuggie merch. :smiley:

So now my Fender Prodigy has new flatwounds on it because bass money recycling is totally allowed.


Man, I would have taken the Sub4. course, then you would have had to ship, and I would have had to pay for that, so probably better this way.


That’s great stuff!


Bass in Bed, have not tried that one yet, but next time I am thinking about breakfast in bed, I will grab a bass instead. LOL
Of course, I would have to sleep in a bed for that to happen.
The place I am staying now the SINGLE beds are so uncomfortable, I sleep on the couch. ER… when I sleep. :roll_eyes: :rofl:


I’m thinking of getting this after I’ve sold my Ibanez fretless


Why I think that’s an excellent idea :joy:


I like the way you are thinking.

Please, please, please, play one first, and take time with it before making the decision.
To me, the stingray is the most natural feeling bass I have played, I am drawn to it, and it just works for me.
But that is me, people are different.
I would love for you to love this bass, but if you don’t feel the magic when playing it, thats OK too.
Of course, the best way to try one out is to buy it, and play it for a few weeks.

It was not 2 weeks that I put it in my rotation that it became my MAIN bass.

It is very different from an Ibanez. To me, different in a good way, and I still like Ibanez SR basses very much, but Rays are magical to me. Like the other person posted, saying how she felt she played it better, and that it seemed to be her best bass. that is how I am drawn to them. Hopefully you feel the same.