It is worth every penny with its ORANGE rails there @PamPurrs
You like the expression further back on the board and not in the front right corner?
Is there a reason you like it like 5hat?
It is worth every penny with its ORANGE rails there @PamPurrs
You like the expression further back on the board and not in the front right corner?
Is there a reason you like it like 5hat?
Some pedalboard makers have add on sections that attach to the side made for expression pedals,
Does this mfg have something like that?
Not that I’m aware of
I haven’t made a final decision on placement yet. The nice thing about the Temple board is I can move things around very easily as opposed to the ones that use velcro.
@T_dub here it is farther back. I’ll try it like this for awhile.
Love that Orange. I think I am gonna get some orange duct tape, and stripe the end of mine.
Wonder if I can find Orange Velcro???
@T_dub or, you could just get a Temple board…
Hahahahahaha, I could. But being I already have a perfectly good BIG pedalboard, which I do not have to squeeze together, I will stick with it for now.
Plus, if I did that, I wouldn’t need Orange Velcro. Haha. Or orange duct tape. And I have a thing for orange duct tape. Just look at my wallet.
I know, I know, time for a new wallet. But my daughter made it for me back when she was like 10 or 11… she is 18 now.
I have had to do a few surgeries on it, some major.
So, pedalboard. Velcro is a pain, but if I can find orange, I will dislike it less. And since I don’t have to tightly pc it together, it’s less of a pain.
So there you have it. Another overly long answer…
With pictures.
Love it, some things just have a sentimental value that money can’t buy @T_dub
Cheers brian
this wallet is very grunge, that’s something I like.
I’m hearing you brother @T_dub:facepunch:t2:
i was going to say that’s the most hideous thing in the world, until you said your daughter made it for you. then it became the cutest thing.
After what seems like forever (and many $$$$), I finally finished my Temple pedal board. Compared to what @JoshFossgreen and others have posted, it’s fairly spartan, but has everything I could possibly need, with the buttons and pedals all spaced in such a way that they don’t get in each others way. I purchased those multi-colored metal button toppers on Amazon, which make it easier to tap the buttons (especially with bare feet), plus I think they’re
Top Row (l to r):
Bottom Row (l to r):
On the left side panel I inserted an AC module so I could plug directly into the board from the wall. The module goes to the power supply under the board. I also inserted a jack patch module, so I could plug my bass, amp, drum machine, and overdrive cable directly into the board. The opening with the rubber grommet is a forethought on my part, just in case I want to run a USB cable under the board.
All the excess cabling is neatly zip tied under the board, just as I was taught in the Army. @Lanny will appreciate that.
Very nice job, Pam! . . .
Cheers, Joe
Very orderly and neat. Mine’s a rats nest under the board.
How do you like your Ampeg SCRDI? I love mine! Such a versatile and great sounding unit!
and you will really quickly learn that a pedalboard is like a website, it’s never finished !
anyway for now it looks pretty clean and neat !
LOL I can’t imagine another pedal that I would need.