Need Help Picking Bass

A few of my main contenders right now, based on having tried the same model locally or something similar but maybe last years model.


Just looking at your contenders there.
Have you considered the sire M5?


I love single H EBMM bass guitars. Never has double H stingray. I’ve also a couple of Ibanez bass guitars love the necks on Ibanez guitars. I’ve also had a schecter studio 4 which was neck through that was awesome. IMO you need to get out to music store and try these out.It might be hard to find all these in you same music store. Do your home work, looks like your doing that check reviews and see and hear videos.See what feels good in your hands and sound good to your ears. Bottom line is your the one who’s going to be playing that baby. Play the same riff or notes on each bass and see which one sound best in your ears. Good luck finding your baby. You can always resell it on reverb or Ebay. Usually you going to lose a few buck on shipping and price to get rid of it. That all part of the Game.
Yes, Sire makes very nice bass guitars also.


I see the Ray 4 is still in there :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:
Thought you would have purchased it by now.


I just got a Ray4 H as my “test bed” bass. Before I ripped it apart I took it for a few spins. I did not dig it at all. I’ve also tried a Sterling HH something, not sure which one. Maybe 24 or 34? I think it was at Sam Ash for around $750. Liked it way better but again not overwhelmed with joy.

I think the “upgrade the pickups thing is important to consider on the Ray4s. And if your going to be into that.


I looked at the M2 and the M5. They’re nice, overall the M5 is above what I want to spend for a bass starting out.

What I have on my list are pieces that keep coming up repeatedly as good, reliable fear for a beginner. Some are a bit above that pure beginner range but not by much.

Thanks for the recommendation.


Have you looked at the BB234? It has nice woods, a nice sound, and volume, volume, tone for the controls. My first bass was a Fender Player Jazz, which has 2x volume and a tone control, and I think there’s something to be said for simplicity in design when you’re a beginner. Allows you to focus on your playing, which is where you get your tone from anyway.

Just a thought.


My opinion is that nobody can tell you x is better option than y. Best thing for you would be to try some of basses out, feel and hear them.
Cause everyone who tells you to get something is based on subjective opinion since every one of us likes particular sound coming out of the bass, likes different necks, finishes and overall looks.

Me for example, I was always meh towards Stingray basses untill I tried one. Now Im proud owner.

But to make things safe, I always recommend beginners to go towards passive “jazz-ish” bass, until they figire out of they like something else more. Jazz bass never dies, huh?

P.S. FYI bass means crap if you have no good amp which can output the proper sound.


To be honest just pick the bass that was love on first sight. You can’t go wrong with any of the contenders. Your first bass will always be special :wink:


I would definitely check out the Yamaha BB234 and TRBX304 in that price range.

I’ve owned the 304 myself and it was a great bass; I prefer it over the equivalent Ibanez. It also shares the same neck with the 504 and 604, the basses feel pretty similar overall until you get to the 604 (which is about a pound lighter.)

Josh’s video on the 304. It ended up being their top pick:


I have the 305-string and I do like it a lot!


BB is solid too :slight_smile:


Well, I pulled the trigger on a new bass guitar.

I went with a right hander because other than a few models that are more that retro vibe, there are no left handed models available for at least a month or more, and my OCD told me we couldn’t wait that long. :grin:

So the plan is practice hard for about the length of the return period, which is about 45 days, to see if right handed works for me, like it does for other lefties.

If not the guy I purchased from already has me on a list to notify me once their lefty pre and back orders start to come in.

Thanks for all the great tips and advice. In the end I went with one out of my three main options, based on which one would be in my hands the fastest.

Hopefully, it’ll be a good match. Thanks again, everyone. :+1:t3:


You made a great choice, @Pablo . . . :slight_smile:

Good luck with it and enjoy!



Thanks Joe!


Stunning! enjoy it @Pablo


Nice! Love the color. If I were getting a Stingray I would go for the HH too.


Me too. :+1:t3:

It’s was my favorite from this model line up.


Thanks John!


Yeah I looked hard at the Stingray HH too. Can’t wait to hear you play it. Nice color