Off topic..who is stoked to see Dune?

Is there a part in the new Dune movie where Sting wears his inflatable underpants?

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Classic! And IIRC that’s his entry outfit. Nice work Lynch :slight_smile:

It would be such an amazing troll/twist if they cast Feyd-Rautha as a woman :rofl:

Thematically it wouldn’t matter, and would really trigger purists. I would lmao.

The story is already filled with extremely powerful female characters so it wouldn’t even be out of place.

It kind of does matter though? I read the book a couple times (although not recently) and as far as I recall - The Bene Gesserit had a very old - maybe thousand years old- master plan and had ordered Jessica to give Leto a daughter - then that daughter was supposed to reproduce with Feyd-Rautha - who’s offspring would be the Kwisatz Haderach. And yes that would have meant that the original BG plan had Jessica & Leto’s daughter reproducing with her own uncle Feyd-Rautha - but the BG had no problems directing inbreeding - and Jessica & Leto wouldn’t have known because Jessica didn’t know her parentage…

One of the lynchpins of the original plot is that Jessica disobeyed the Bene Gesserit by producing a son (Paul) - who Jessica then trains in secret, who becomes the Kwisatz Haderach a generation sooner than planned by the BGs - and out of their control.

If Feyd-Rautha were a woman that wouldn’t make any sense with the original BG plan?

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Yes, that is true. Though it wouldn’t change a lot, I think. They’d just have to leave out that part about the plan that the daughter of Leto and Jessica should produced a child with Feyd Rautha, I don’t think it would really impact anything else.

But if Feyd we’re a woman, Paul being a guy would fall right in line with the BG plans, and Paul wouldn’t become the KH, and the whole plot would collapse

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Yep. Jessica has to disobey the Bene Gesserit in a way that makes the BG plan for a Duke Leto and Vladamir Harkonnen grandchild impossible. Anything that allows that grandchild to happen - well that’s a totally different story… that’s just seeing the BG plan come to full fruition. It would be the exact opposite of what happens in the novel.

When I say they would just have to leave out that part is that they would have to drop this part about Feyd entirely. Surely it wouldn’t make any sense to make Feyd a woman and still leave in the plan about the Bene Gesserit coupling a would have been daughter with the female Feyd, or even do it like “Oh, Feyd is a woman, what a nice coincidence, our plan that we would have totally frelled up if Jessica had done what she was told is working out nicely!”

If they ever speak of the coupling that would have been it would have to be with another House, there are plenty. House Ginaz for example.

Having said that, I don’t really see any real good reason why Feyd should be female, except frelling with expectations.


No, those are all good points, but then again Lynch more or less dropped that part about Feyd IIRC too.

The thing about Dune is it works perfectly well without Feyd-Rautha at all. They would just need another slight conceit about Paul.

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I love this scene in the beginning, where Mohiam influences Paul with the voice.
It is so simple and effective how they did it.

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Another round. This time regular cinema. Sound was much more bearable than in IMAX.


Was that because they muted the bagpipes? :wink:


The bagpipes cut in the Harkonnen attack battle sequence is still probably the worst OST moment of all time for me. But other than that, it was great as … usual. :smiley:

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Can’t wait for the Messiah, however the book is such a doozy.

I so wish someone would try to tackle God Emperor.

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Messiah too, it’s a way better and more nuanced book than Dune. I am still unclear how much they will pull from it. Alia is just so awesome a character in it.


Yeah exactly, wrong person killed grandpa, :joy:


one bummer is that a leak I saw has Alia as an attractive 22-ish actress. This is just wrong. Alia should be a terrifying murder kid, not a nerd simping goddess.

Hmm she does marry Reanimated Duncan though and I forget if that is Messiah or God-Emperor. Maybe they had to make that ok somehow, instead of how not ok it actually is :rofl:

At least SyFy did Children and Messiah in their miniseries (that I still have the DVDs for and watch occasionally). Everyone that’s tried Dune has hard nope’d even thinking about God Emperor. Villenue already said so about this current version. The Bene Gesserit series, if it ever gets made, could be really cool.

Messiah, all the Duncan clones is God Emperor.

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As far as I remember, Alia is already grown up when marrying Ghola-Duncan. She must be at least 16, as Messiah starts 12 years after the first book, and she was 4 at the end of that one.

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