Post your covers! (2019-2022)

Great performance @BassFaceDisgrace.
Keep up the good work!


that’s an excellent cover @BassFaceDisgrace !

here is what I like (no particular order) :

  • the color sheme of your Jazz Bass / I’m in love with the tidepool color
  • the idea of playing the live video in a videoception way
  • the fact that you seem to really enjoy playing your bass
  • the bassline itself which is pretty cool, not easy but with a really great groove, and really emphasizes the role of a bass as a rythmic instrument with melodic capabilities (only a bass player can understand this sentence, I guess :grin: )
  • your playing is pretty clean
  • your video setup is really simple/basic but it works : it proves that everyone can record a cover, even without a camcoder or any video editing skill. that’s truely cool.

here is what I don’t like :

  • nothing

And what a great combo of bands/musicians/bass worlds to pull from.
Big Ween fan over here.
And I like Mike Gordon’s bass playing a lot.
Great Cover!


OK, so this was a “Challenge” song that my grandkids came up with for me to do a bass cover on. Here’s a link to the original post… CHALLENGED!

Anyway, the biggest challenge to this song was the 8th notes played at 151 BPM… That’s “SMOKIN’!!” for an old guy who just started playing eleven months ago… This song was a real workout! Both my right and left hands are jello right now and I’m looking forward to getting back to the music I love to play… '60’s and '70’s Motown and Classic Rock!!

If you read the post that is linked above, you will realize that I really DO NOT like FLEA or the RHCP and my grandkids (and kids) know it… Obviously the reason why they threw this challenge my way…

All I gotta say is… “I’m sure glad I had that damn pacemaker put in last December!”


Keep on Thumpin’!


Haven’t visited this thread in awhile, but catching up on it, really great covers by everyone who’s posted lately. Takes guts to post here, whether a Soundcloud link, or a full video. And it’s hard to get the sound right when doing a video, as I learned at some point! True ass-kicking bass playing, everyone! Listened to your stuff all the way through, it’s been awhile since I did a cover, but I know each section of the song is territory fought and gained as you progress through it, and a rush when it’s done :metal:

@Lanny Dude, compared to your other videos where you’re lovin’ the song, this one looked a little like torture for you, even though you aced it! The look on your face when it was done, and you shut down the camera = priceless. Who knows, in time, you may come to like RHCP, if you play it enough, never say never! :rofl: Hope your grandkids got a laugh with it, and maybe even some respect for you too, for pulling it off!


@Vik… Obvious huh… Many times in life we all have to do someThing we don’t like - even in retirement!!:neutral_face:


That was excellent, @Lanny . . . :+1:

All best, Joe


Damn @Lanny, that was first rate :+1:


Great job @Lanny,
Smashed it out of the park.:+1::sunglasses:
Cheers Brian


Wow, no messing around there, @Lanny! Very, very nicely done, sir!!

Aren’t you glad you went through with it now? Often, those times when we get thrown into deep water turn out to be quite rewarding… you were way out of your comfort zone, but you not only got through, you did it with style and grace!!

I had a teacher for a while (after I had practiced bass for a few months) and she made me play “Back in Black”, which I would never have touched otherwise! That was a humbling experience… because try as I might, I couldn’t just play it… it was nowhere as “simple” as I would have labeled it beforehand, just because it wasn’t a Jaco Pastorius lick. Next, she threw “I want you back” at me :rofl:

My point is, of course, I guess you won’t ever touch this song again, but wasn’t it a great learning experience nonetheless!?!


I’m just tackling “Back in Black” atm :+1:


Another great job @Lanny!


That was really good @Lanny.
Had to chuckle when you looked up in the end. The feeling of relief was palpable.

Let us know how the reaction of the challengers was :slight_smile:


well done @Lanny , even if you don’t like the song you played it pretty flawlessly !


Thanks @joergkutter… i do find myself comparing this experience and this song to “Billie Jean”… I didn’t like that song either, but it did teach me to step outside that comfort zone and diversify my skills somewhat. Personally, I’m beginning to think that if it were not for @JoshFossgreen’s inclusion of that “Wicked Bitch Billie Jean”, it would have taken me much longer to learn the fast paced finger exercises that “Readymade” presented. The only difference with Readymade was that the finger speeds of both fretting and plucking hands were nonstop for a timespan of over 4:30 With basically only one spot where one could slow down and take a quick breath…

It’s funny how sometimes we seem to learn the most by doing things we enjoy the least…

Keep on Thumpin’!


Thanks @juli0r… I’ll post a follow up to the “CHALLENGE” thread in the LOUNGE later.

As for that look at the end… well, I certainly was relieved it was over! Not that it was hard note wise, but it was “draining” physically… I’ve played guitar all my life and have never felt the exertion that has taken place in my hands and fingers as I have playing the bass line for this song. Playing guitar is so much easier… at least for me… but, playing bass is so much more rewarding…

Keep on Thumpin’!


Thanks @terb… Almost like playing guitar on a bass…

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Great Job @BassFaceDisgrace, I need to find a song to cover, I keep bouncing around between songs I like but never finish one because
1, practice is structured with many excercises for rythem, fingers, scales and fretboard, and masrering a few techniques.
2, the one you busted here for sure, lack of equipment to make a recording.

But I know will add , pick a song to learn all the way thry( It would be “Take the power back, but there is one fill I just can’t get the timing right on)
And add it to my practice routine.

Hmmm… what to pick. Will get back to that one.

Hey @Lanny.
Challenged SMASHED.
Way to stick it to the youngsters. Haha


I’m so glad I tried it. I think having the TV and amp across the room was a big help in getting it to sound decent. If you listen to it on better speakers than a cell phone or tablet you can hear it overpowering the phone mic… but for purposes of sharing here it worked really well.


Yeah, the TV here is on the wall, a bit higher, the speakers will be right in my ear, so maybe???

I have time to figure it out, gotta learn a song first.

I been working on the entro to NIB, but that will take a while, so I need to put a pin in that one and find something else I can get thru.
Or just work on that one fill in Take the power Back, til my hand bleeds. Lol