Post your covers! (2023)

I’m working my way there! I think I have the 2nd highest cover count from the 50 songs at this point. :grinning:


Thank you so much I appreciate that a lot!!

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I didn’t realize there’s a 50 cover song challenge. Im gonna start dumping my YouTube here if that’s allowed. I think I have close to 90 covers on there haha.


Ok well let’s get on with it. Song number 2


It’s actually a specific lists of 50 songs that makes up the 50 first songs challenge. But you are definitely welcome to post covers here.


Ok cool I’ll check it out

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I am halfway, London Calling
Looking forward to get some days of soon, so I can just play the whole day. :slight_smile:


Do you mean the rest when it goes up to the higher strings in the main groove at 0:41? That’s actually correct, the course tabs are wrong.

You can hear it here at this timecode.

Not a fan of this song but this is how I play it too :slight_smile:


That’s my plan @Johnnyb - grit my teeth, lock myself in and bang through the easier ones


Ladies and gentlemen, I present Ashes to Ashes by David Bowie. I loved this song when I was a young lad, even though I thought it was literally about a spaceman who had never dome good things or bad things - something I guess I could relate to at the time. It was only with the passage of time and my gradual maturation that I realised it was probably about something more…

This was a tough one to record, partly because I had to teach myself slapping, but also I had to learn how to use a compressor - the slap parts in the chorus are way louder than the fingerstyle parts in the verse. The Rock Slap setting on the Zoom was really helpful as well, although the pops are still a bit dull - I blame old strings and my reluctance to mash up my fretboard :grinning:.

I think the original was on a Stingray, so I tried to use the bridge pickup on the T-bird to kind of mimic it. I was not going to slap on the Rickenbacker.

Still, the final version is passable I reckon, although I really poxed up the video recording just before the second chorus :grimacing:.

So… ashes to ashes!


Awesome work Scott! Very, very well done!

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Well done! Excellent video presentation.

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Great job Ed!

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Thanks @JerryP ! Ed will return in Highway to Hell :slightly_smiling_face:

1 Like A video I did today. Fun song to play and who doesn’t love Whitesnake? Well I guess some may not but hey, we all can’t have good tastes haha :joy: JK


Been a while since I recorded a cover. This time around, decided to have a re-attempt at the first song I attempted recording (more details on that in the 50 covers song specific thread here). I think this is the first cover that I did not strictly use Josh’s tabs as a basis. For this song, it came from a mash-up of the first way I learned the song from a YouTube video, tabs found on UG, Josh’s tabs and my own ear.

Recorded with Darkglass Harmonic Booster, Darkglass Microtubes Infinity and Zoom B1 Four (for the ZNR noise-gate) into my NUX MPP-3 for IR, AMP and audio interface.


This sounded great!!!


@Ed Ed Ed!!!
Loved this!!!
Love the tone and you getting your slap on.
You looked so relaxed and played it seamlessly.

I think the tones you are looking for in your slap pops can be had just a couple inches up with your thumb and finger just at the end of the fretboard. You won’t hurt your frets. I think it sounded great anyway. Wowsa!


Great tune. Nice job!


Thank you buddy!!

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