nice job! I love the songs that make me want to play too.
Thanks Dan and John!
@dlamson13 @John_E
Really nice job on this one Paul! Awesome!
I love the tone on this @dlamson13 ! You look so relaxed while playing! Great job!
Thank you amigo!! Happy new year to you also
Thank you!! Same here
Awesome job on this bud
Thanks Paul!
Thanks MadBassist!
Thanks Jerry, appreciate it! I was really happy with the tone on this. Rolled off the bridge pickup a little and dialed in some drive on the Behringer DI box. Sometimes less is more.
I made a bass cover over an old drum cover I did in 2010. This song isn’t hard to play, but it has taken me years to learn. I have just never been able to hear the bass. Moises is an amazing tool for learning bass lines. The ability to isolate the bass track makes it so much easier to learn songs, takes a lot of the guess work out. Anyway, shoutout to Moises for making a cool product. I love playing this song on bass and on drums, it’s a lot of fun.
Nada Surf - Treehouse
Great job Paul, on both drums and bass!
Sounds pretty good! Thanks for sharing with us.
Thanks Jerry!
Nice Justin, very funky this one.
Well done @dlamson13
Never hear the tune or of the band before. Good stuff.
I don’t know how you bang out covers so quickly @Paul_9207 but you do a great job on all of them!
Sounded really good @EverC!
A couple small timing blips but really great overall. Love the acoustic for this too.
Non-full songs generally are posted here btw:
I bet if you went to the 50 song challenge you could learn and play the whole tune very quickly!
Sounds fantastic.
I had that bass for a while but never warmed up to a 6-string but have to say it’s an incredible bass for the price. I don’t regret selling it but do miss how amazing it was for the $