@KenKnight No one on the forum is going to be harsh! It’s always great to see other people’s work, and it’s cool to see yourself play!
@John_E @groaner thanks fellas! Which song to do next? I currently have a couple weeks off from work, so as long as the wife doesn’t get too irritated with me spending my days playing I hope to have some more covers posted in the coming days
Now you’ve got me hooked! Song #9 in the 50 challenge can wait! I think I’ll tackle “Why’d you only call me when you’re high” It’s about my level, maybe even a little under.
I have that one uploaded to Moises, was planning on doing it soon but I am hooked on the Favourite Worst Nightmare album, so I think I’ll do ‘Do Me A Favor’ next!
Love the Franz at the end. Good for you for doing other time signatures although you can count that 4/4 too I guess but the accents on the drums would suggest 2/2. Love it man! This is definitely in you lane.
That’s awesome man @Ant this is the bass song for sure. The drummer is on another planet playing this song, lol.
Me too now, All set to go. NoBass track and an OnlyBass track.
I’m not a transcriber, yet, but I gave a listen of the UG Official sheet (attached) and it appears to be correct.
WHYD YOU ONLY CALL ME WHEN YOURE HIGH by Arctic Monkeys.pdf (125.8 KB)
Thanks for sharing! I’ve got a busy night tonight but I’ll work through this one tomorrow. Can’t wait to hear your take!
For double tracking you’ll want to do a little bit more than this; that’s probably not sufficient. That’s mostly adding amplitude.
- First, you need a little stereo split. Pan one track a bit to the left and one a bit to the right. This is actually really important to the effect.
- Second, The tracks need to be a little different for this to really work well, otherwise you’re just adding amplitude. I recommend detuning (via pitch shift in the DAW) one of the tracks a tiny amount - a cent or so, no more. Maybe a fractional cent. You’ll want to play with this so that it sounds good.
- Adding phase delay to one track works better but this is usually effective.
- You’ll probably need to mix the bass down now, not up.
This will make the track sound a lot “bigger” without adding volume or removing dynamic range.
Of course you could also just buy something like MDoubleTracker and have it do everything for you.
Finally caught up on this thread tonight, great job buzzers, really enjoyed all contributions!
@Paul_9207 : I always love your Cure covers, great job!
@Ant : All great covers, and its cool that you’re sharing transcriptions. Also, props for covering Janes, they have lots of underrated basslines, might have to do one in the future.
@Growl : You’re playing is just so dang smooth, that was perfect!
@Groaner You’re making some serious progress. You look really comfortable playing too, and this song is a hell of lot more difficult than I’m so lonesome I could cry .
If you do decide to post another version in the future make sure to keep this one too. The internet is full of “natural musical gods”, its helpful to the rest of us to know hard work pays off.
@Barney: Yes please…more Mac! More J-Bass, More Sweet Rakes, More Mountain Climbing. It’s tough for me to choose a mix, but I’m going with original. It has a little more clarity and “crispness”. But both sounded good.
@JustTim : Nice! GAS is boring, your covers kick ass, love your range and the joy you have playing, keep em’ coming!
Aw shucks, Thanks! I do feel the difference. It’s awesome. ASnd yes, I’ll never delete my early recordings!
OK, I ran through Mardy Bum again (audio only this time) and recorded it with the backing track using nothing but Amplitude 5 at the suggestion of @Growl
New York B750 with some added Bass and Trebel and it sounds GREAT, but…
I was going to use SoundCloud but this happened… Where can I host a WAV file?! (Yes WAV. Amplitube only exports in WAV or AIFF
OK, I threw it up on my Drive site. Hope this works to be at least a little less painful
Arcit Monkeys Mardy Bum with Amplitube
@John_E Let me know if the tone sounds better here.
Thanks @dlamson13 and @howard I’ve been playing with the stereo split pan and it makes a big difference. But to make it sound right to my ear I’m only panning a small amount either side?
Does that seem right?
That sounds fine. The stereo panning is critical. Even a little is fine. Without it, and without some other change, all you’re doing is changing amplitude.
Slight detuning and slight phase difference will also make it sound bigger and more full, but if you’re happy with the pan on its own, just go with it. End result is all that matters.
Depending on the stereo effect used, the pan might be adding a little phase spread on its own anyway.
@groaner Try somethhing like this WAV to MP3 | CloudConvert
@dlamson13 Thanks man
Ya do this instead. Lol.
I started this double tracking with one track clean bass only and the other an xlr out of a preamp or preamp/cab sim. Then I got lazy and just doubled it.
I know in theory it should just be amplitude adding but to my ears simply doubling the same track sounds different than simply increasing gain in one. Has helped on a couple of occasions, other times sounds worse, no rhyme or reason why. I could simply be mad though.
I agree with you @Barney your doubling sounds muddy Vs “better” which does say something is going on Vs just amplitude in the DAW.
It’s possible the DAW is playing the tracks back very very slightly out of phase or something. No software is perfect.
It doesn’t work for me I’m asked for a permission.
Also it would be great if you could write clearly in your post the name of the artist and the song of your cover. It helps me a lot because I’m keeping a listing of all covers recorded each year. Thanks !
DOH! Fixed. Ya sorry, forgot to do that
Well luckily for you @dlamson13 I gave myself a rest day and decided to have a look at the rest of the tracks on Rumours. There are some that will require going to the Bass gym and then odd ones like this.
This song has no original Bass line on the record. Just Buckingham on the acoustic. I followed the chord progression and tried to stay out of the way of the beautiful guitar playing.
I used Chordify to give me a visual representation of the chords and then just gave it a go. Trying different things until I felt it fitted the record. This is the 5th of my covers from the Rumours album.
I started playing Bass in Nov 2020. Posting covers to work on improving my playing.
HX Stomp
Comp - Line 6 Original Deluxe Compressor
Pre Amp - Mic Requisite Y7 mic pre amp
Amp - Ampeg SVT-4 PRO
Modulation - Retro Reel
MIM Fender Jazz Bass
GHS Precision Flats
DAI - Focusrite Scarlett Solo
Another winner @Barney !