Ahh memories… That was great, Justin! Nicely done.
That was very enjoyable 401Blues! Nailed it on the tone.
I still have mine. Thanks for listening. I have a few TJB covers in my User Video Index if you’re interested.
Thank you AndreaJayne!
Thanks TMB!
Glad you enjoyed it Ed! It’s much appreciated.
Thanks Blues!
Thanks Jerry!
Thank you!
Yes, why not…good one Jerry
Thank you qenden!
From this evening’s band rehearsal.
The Invertants - Bad Moon Rising
(a Credence Clearwater Revival song)
Sound is a bit duff, recorded on an iPhone, propped in the corner.
Ok, something a little different, a bit of Neil Diamond!
My father died four years ago today. I have childhood memories of him strutting around the lounge to this song, Forever in Blue Jeans, so this one’s for you Dad!
Neil Diamond - Forever in Blue Jeans
This was is the last cover I played on the Spector NS2000/4, before selling it last week.
As per usual, the bass was pushed through the Ampero One, then on into GarageBand.
Sorry to hear you lost your dad bro, lost mine a year ago this December 12. Fantastic tribute to him! Great job
Sound wasn’t too bad to be honest. Could hardly hear the guitarist and the bass came through fine. All is as it should be
Cool band anyway, thanks for sharing!
What a lovely way to remember him, very touching.
The band sounds great with that song. The audio was fine, no worries there.
I haven’t heard this in ages. Sorry to hear about your dad.
OK - hear me out first:
0. First time ever doing such thing as posting myself playing. Really.
- I’m still a beginner (1.5 years since starting with this course), timimg issues are still killing me (not the very first note but after it the following 1k
- Recorded via phone on the desk - on the desk the computer as source (YT-video) with its cheesy speakers, under the desk the Ampeg RB210 (booming the desk/phone mic). Sounds weird. But lazy to install some better config during work hours.
- Tried to add extreme amount of effects so I don’t look as … I do
After the disclaimer - I still advise responsible consumption
Not bad @totyasrac - some people would pay a fortune for that lo fi effect!