slightly off topic, but what am I doing wrong that when I post a video it’s black with a red play button and not a thumbnail?
I always say I’m going to try and smile more, then the concentration takes over and well, you’ve seen the results
Anyway, that was good for a quick ‘one shot’, well done
They do sometimes look like that, but as long it still plays when you click its fine
Thanks! My band mate says if you see someone smiling, they’re working really hard at that. He says try smiling on purpose and see how it effects your playing
I’d agree but @howard introduced me to a bassist named Fami on YouTube and what I love most is she just smiles and has a dang blast playing.
I want to be the Chubby American male version of her
I want to have that much fun when playing my music.
Punk rocks … see what I did there . Great playing!
Great playing, @AndreaJayne!
GREAT song, @JustinAndSheba !!!
Great playing, @totyasrac! Now you’ve posted one, we want to see more!!
Josh should have created a module for bass face! Great playing, @MattyD!
Indeed it does! Great playing, @robbp!
Drop D rocks, @faydout!
Most excellent, @JustinAndSheba!!
Thank you, @TheMadBassist!
Thanks, @AndreaJayne! We’re still working on precise how we play this song, and others. I keep telling the guitarist, more effects for more depth
Thank you, @AndreaJayne!
Thanks, @JerryP!
Yes, it’s a bit of an ‘oldie’, indelibly etched into my mind!!
Thanks, @saroohoo!
Thanks brother! We need a bass face video!
Mine sometimes do that but I can’t figure out why
Thank you Dan!
Kind’a rock on the fretless? Hell yes!
Evanescence - Use My Voice
Amy Lee, what a voice!
Sire V7 fretless, through the Ampero One, then on into GarageBaned.
I seem to have picked up a partial copyright block on this one, although I am unclear which regions. It plays in the U.K….
It plays here across the pond. Well done sunDOG!
Saturday is coverday!
Today I present the classic Brown-eyed Girl by the Dutch Irish artist Van Morrison.
The bassline is relatively simple - G C G D and lots of walkups. This track is a living tribute to walkups. This is good because it leaves lots of room to improvise the rhythms and phrases for the bassline. This is bad because you’ll never be 100% happy with what you improvise and you’ll be repeatedly re recording the bassline. I think I may have dithered over this for a couple of days before I said “Ed! Do your business or get off the potty” - and finally published. So you will probably see a couple of points where the video doesn’t 100% match the soundtrack.
The Rickenbacker was the perfect choice for the cover. All the amp sims on the Line 6 made the tone a bit too muddy so I just added some compression. I may have to invest in some kind of preamp - the Ricky sounds great through an amp but it can be a bugger to record.
Anyway: Brown-eyed girl by Van Morrison
Nice work @sunDOG ! The fretless really works well with those slides - although it’s crying out for some chorus
The Steinberger does it again Great work @JustinAndSheba and I love your avatar of the parrot god
Very cool cover - but never call Van Morrison Dutch. He is Irish and will surely kick our Dutch asses, drunk or not!
I live I learn ! Adjusted accordingly
Thank you, @JerryP. I’m curious where it doesn’t play properly…
It took a few goes at this to get to the point where I was happy with the slides - as with everything, it’s all about timing and duration. Re: chorus, I was having enough trouble making sure I hit the right notes, let alone clicking through presets
I’ve had ones like this - if I play it just once more, I’ll get the perfect take…”
Great playing, @Ed!
My first full song that I’ve learned. I added the song over the video of my playing so some of the timing is a bit sketcky but for first cover, not too bad?
Edit: Song is I Wanna Hold You by McFly
congrats on your first cover ! not the easiest bass line for a start in the cover world