A really good choice of song style to lay down, shifting positions, running up and down the neck. These type of songs will be a big help for anyone to get better faster.
And you played it very good.
Well done…
Nice job
Great job Jennie!
Love it brother, another great cover!
Always loved this song, great job Ed!
Sounds killer mate - sound wise as well as timing, spot on
(Gotta tell me how to record thru the Ampero so original track also is there! )
Much more than not too bad - not an easy piece and got the feeling of it, sounds as it should, you play it 10-15 more times and all small glitches disappear I believe
If first full song then even more amazing
Always loved this song. Great playing on this and excellent tone.
Awesome first cover Jennie! Looking forward to the next one!
@terb @jimmyWishbone @TheMadBassist @totyasrac @JerryP Thank you all! I definitely feel very encouraged to perfect this one and learn some more full songs!
Thanks @TheMadBassist @JerryP ! I was hooked on this after I heard it on the radio years ago
Haha! The Parrot God…I love it. Thanks Ed!
What a voice, what a song, and what a bass line. Keep up the good work
Lovely sound Ed. I haven’t heard that song in ages, so thanks for playing it!
Thanks for sharing Jennie, and for posting your first video here.
You played that very well, and aren’t shy on learning something with some movement in it, top job
Thanking you @AndreaJayne
@faydout I’m not familiar with this tune but really like it, nice job - love those low notes
@JustinAndSheba So cool, love the synthy vibes.
@sunDOG fretless is sounding great
@Ed Classic tune, you played it really well!
@jeniphia Congrats on the first cover, really nice playing, love the bouncy rhythms And we have the same bass
@Ek_Bass Nicely done, I enjoyed that!
Good song that is, nicely played and thanks for giving us the option to play along (if you know your fretboard anyway!)
Thank you, @TheMadBassist!!
Much appreciated, @totyasrac!!
It’s a fantastic song, and her voice is incredible. I believe she also plays the piano on the song as well!!
Thank you @saroohoo. It’s also fun!!