Post your covers! (2024)

Simple effective bassline! Thoroughly enjoyed it!

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I totally agree! Thank you for your support always, truly appreciated. I’m in a band that has hard enough material to play, so YouTube is my way of just having some fun and playing great tunes like you say. That’s the main reason I don’t go all out with fancy recording gear, I’m a plug and play kinda guy. I just want to drop a video without adding any undue headaches of the audio/video route. I think you and I are kin :laughing:


Which also has the awesome Gary Jules cover of the Tears for Fears song Mad World.


So glad you covered this, really showing some chops there Sara! Last time I heard it I thought “somebody needs to do this one”, it’s such an interesting line.


Ha! Yes!! I tend to practice at 5:30 / 6:00am on the days I’m not working out at that time. I’d actually learnt these two songs some time ago, so it was just a case of brushing them up. Each took less than an hour to record, shoot, sync and finalise. I was also at the conference all week :wink:

To an extent, it’s a case of the more you do, the simpler it gets. For instance, I learnt the Doctor and the Medics version of Spirit in the Sky this afternoon. Took me 20 minutes to get it down; it’s a classic 12-bar and it is pretty simple. I’m going to record that one sometime in December. But other songs take longer; I have 2 songs I’ve been working on this week. One I now ‘know’ all the way through, and but need to polish, the second, I can play the verse / chorus from memory, but the ‘c’ section is a pain in the a55 - not the rhythm, it’s the chord progression… Need to keep practicing!!


Duncan you should be in a famous band traveling the world brother! Earth is missing out :facepunch::wink:


Thanks Paul

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Thanks Jerry

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Earlier this week, I was lamenting that I’ve travelled the world and seen only airports, hotels and conference rooms!


This is the worst. I remember when business travel seemed fun and exciting - until you have to do a seriously large amount of it and never want to see the inside of an airport again.

It takes a lot to make a pilot never want to see an airport again, but TMOT - it’s possible :rofl:


I was never a big fan of this band when they were at the height of their popularity. After Good News came out you just couldn’t escape them, maybe that had something to do with it. Float On was so overplayed as well, meh. I also had no idea they were from Issaquah which is just a little ways outside Seattle :man_facepalming:

This bass line in this song is so catchy though I just had to learn it. Hooked me immediately.

Modest Mouse - Dashboard


Oh interesting, all this time I thought they were from Portland :slight_smile:


I worked on a 4 star’s staff in Italy so got to travel all over Europe. I was also the only enlisted person on the trips with a clearance high enough to hold the crypto. The one that hurt the most was a 3 day stay in Salisbury England, and I couldn’t go see Stonehenge.


My younger daughter lives in Issaquah, I had no idea MM was from there.


Sounds like a “Catch 22” situation haha :laughing: I did some training years ago in the beautiful state of Colorado. Was there for three weeks, but only the weekdays. The company flew me home on Thursday evenings and back for training each Sunday. Essentially, I saw my hotel room, the place I trained and the local grocery store that I walked to, as I had no car!! :man_shrugging::man_facepalming:


Now, Colorado is a state I’ve visited and spent some time in. I ride bicycles and have twice ridden something called the BTC - a week long bike tour of Colorado. For one of them, I actually flew to Houston, where a friend lived, then we drove to Denver, what a road trip!

By way of contrast, I once flew to San Francisco, crossed the Golden Gate Bridge, in a taxi, at about 10pm, holed up in a hotel for a week with a team, generated a client proposal, took a taxi to the prospect’s office, pitched, then took a taxi back to the airport and flew back to the UK. So, technically, I’ve been to SF, but I haven’t, not really.

That’s a shame - it’s an iconic place. The local authority / government keep talking about building a tunnel / bypass around it, but never do. It can be seen from a road call the A303, which becomes single carriageway in the area and is subject to significant congestion. Of course the time to visit is at dawn, on the summer solstice; the hippies and druids love it!


I only ride my Peloton at home but if you’re talking about the Ride the Rockies race that ends in downtown Denver, that got cancelled this year because of low registrations. From what I remember on the news, it’s up for debate if they’re going to try and do the race again.

London were our favorite trips. The admiral that I worked for was the guy in charge of US Naval forces Europe, so he had a headquarters building there. We could drop crypto in a safe and wander around the city after work.


Wow you really have been all over! Yea it’s too bad we sometimes “see” places without really seeing them. I think with the rigorous touring schedules of bands, that probably happens to them as well. They roll into town and they still have sound checks, room practice, rest and the show, and then it’s on to the next one. I’m sure they do get to experience some, but not as much as they would like probably. That’s really cool you get to do that and talk about what you’ve seen. Those are life experiences that most don’t get, even if you don’t get in as much sight seeing as you’d like to.


I’ve had a somewhat different perspective in that having been a van/lorry driver for a large part of my previous poorly paid working life, I have driven all over the UK, but not had time to actually explore any of my destinations. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it, it’s why I did the job in the first place. At weekends I’d be off on my motorbike with friends, I never stayed still for long.
When family came along, I still got my travel fix through work. Not done much international stuff, except for driving my family across Europe to Bulgaria, but that is another story!


Two versions of “Under the Milky Way Tonight” by The Church. First is instrument only. Second is bass and vocals to judge how much doing both messes up my playing.

Bass only:

Bass and Vocals. This is definitely at the bottom of my workable range. I tried jumping it up an octave near the end to be able to belt out with more volume. Having a mic would probably make things easier - having extra amplification for support.

Oh man… the auto thumbnail on the second one caught some prime bass face.