Post your covers! (2024)

I’m not sure if this was worth the trouble :laughing:

This took so long to record and edit. I bought Logic and Final Cut last month and they make editing much easier, especially Final Cut, but they overran my computer. Completely filled up my hard drive.

I’m happy with how this turned out overall. If I keep at it I can only get better. I only did two takes with each instrument, but with all the changing things around it took over three hours just to record. It made for a fun day after a pretty busy couple weeks with work.

A Flock of Seagulls - Space Age Love Song


Nice work! Paul Reynolds had such a cool and unique guitar style. You nailed it there.

Mix sounded good to me. I think your vocals are coming along nicely too. Overall very well done full cover.


Thank you, Howard! Your post on mixing really opened my eyes and I’ve spent a good amount of time watching some videos on it. There is a lot to learn with mixing and I’m sure I have just a very rudimentary understanding of how to do it, but at least I’m aware of it now.


Gasolin - This is my life
Last cover of Kim Larsen, but this time in English. :slight_smile:


There is so much CHARACTER in how she plays. It’s such a simple line, but it’s like she’s exploring all the different ways she can play something so simple. Different note length, attack, subtle shifts in mid-bar timing and syncopation, going from oozy and slinking notes to sharp and percussive. I swear she never plays that line exactly the same way twice.

When I started playing bass, I had the artists whose playing I idolized. I feel like she is the first one who is truly influencing how I actually play.


Sounds great dude!


Thank you @TheMadBassist :slight_smile:


that was a beautiful song and I loved your tone!


Awesome playing @Ed ! I have this in my playlist and thought about doing it, but “Sunshine…” would have killed me. Nice job!

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Sounds great @Ant !

Quadruple threat @Paul_9207 ! Nice video production!

Very nicely done @Johnnyb !

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Loved this @Ant, just perfection! It brought back some great memories of this song and album. I didn’t know the band until “Float On”. A co-worker was a big fan but hated the song because he felt they had much better material. We traded CDs for a while until he caught me up on the back catalog. By the time this album came out I was all in, and we ended up going to see them in Philly, really fun times.

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2 for 2 Mad Trav, nice job! That bassline is kind of hypnotic.


Nice job! Does singing and playing come naturally to you or did it take a while to get? I struggle to play bass and sing, at this point can only do it to a straight chugging line.

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Incredible production Paul! I can only imagine how much goes into making this. I mean some times it takes me hours just to get a bass part sounding right and a simple video. It’s really enjoyable to watch though, that was excellent.

On another note, you really really need a band! If Utah can support an NHL team they can support a band for Paul, let’s get a petition going or something people :slight_smile:


Sounding great Johnny! Nice song I never heard before.


Thank you! It’s a lot, I really do enjoy it though.

This is hilarious and true!


Thank you Dan!! It certainly has a hypnotic vibe to it that’s for sure :+1: if plans work out in my favor, this Friday will see another cover posted, depending on how much time I have to work on it these next three days. Taking it back to the 80’s!!


I remember learning this one on guitar 30 years ago. I just had it come on the other day and decided it was time to play it on bass.

Sonic Youth - Schizophrenia