Nicely done! great job!
Thank you John
I love a bit of Pet Shop Boys Nice job. Ziggy was really trying to steal the spotlight there!
Thanks Dan he was a great dude for sure. Loved music!! Blues and R & B the most.
PRINCE - PURPLE RAIN One of my bucket lists songs for this year. Thanks for watching and have a great Sunday!
Great job!
Oh no you didn’t! Hell ya man!
I did!!
Great job bro!
Sounds great my dude!
Love it bro! Great job
Love your new avatar thumbnail bro haha it’s crazy good
Thanks! Its a fun and easy tune to learn
Amazing what can happen when you LEARN the song first… then record LOL! Right? I should do it more often…
Thanks bud!! Super fun tune
Thanks man! Had to get in the spirit, LOL. My beard isn’t long enough (anymore) or white/grey enough (yet) to pull off a “real” Santa look… maybe next year!
Interesting concept, I might give it a try
The fade to white will come with time. Trust me
If only all bassists turned into Leland Sklar as we aged lol
At least @fennario is getting a good salt and pepper mix going with his. Mine is pure white in sections, then still perfectly brown in others. I’m looking forward to it turning white just so it’ll look consistent again.
My fav Mad, just my fav. love your additional flairs too.
This is where I am at too and I hate it. Just white out already and be done with it