Cool - a classic! Cool idea to make a cover of that - next step: Underworld, Prodigy, Leftfield?!
Still I like your first video best:
Cool - a classic! Cool idea to make a cover of that - next step: Underworld, Prodigy, Leftfield?!
Still I like your first video best:
Wow thank you man I really appreciate that!! Friday is my off day and turns into a free for all with the bass haha I do go over the songs through the week but when Friday hits, I usually have two or three to drop by then, pending I have time!
Thanks @cheeze_pizza! I really should have a go at some more Cult! I’ve been on a bit of a Soft Cell exploration for the past few days, they have some fantastic songs in their back catalogue, but this evening I’ve dropped a late 80s party classic. At the time, I really would not have listened to it, but now I try to play the bass, I hear it in an entirely new way!
Thanks Jerry. I’m just using iMovie on my Mac.
Thanks John! I really do this as a creative outlet for myself, but compliments like that really make me feel pretty good.
Again, thank you!
Thanks a ton Paul! You’ve been dropping some great videos yourself!
This is the main bass line minus the 6 string bass solo section. I didn’t know how to edit that part in, so I went with the meat of it.
Awesome bro, great playing as always. You know what you’re missing? A Christmas tree bahahaha
Awesome cover sunDOG!
Love this song! Beautifully done Justin!
That’s what I use also…. I’m taking drum lessons now and am curious on how you set your drum mics up to record…. Gonna be a long time before I’m comfortable enough to record a simple beat using just snare, high hat, and bass,… but I’m looking forward to doing it on a good ‘ol motown hit while I keep the lower end down on bass…. Your video cover was a real inspiration for me…
Keep On Thumpin’!
Okay, let’s resume!
@Paul_9207 Loving the throaty P bass sound you’ve got there on the Blink songs. The E string sounds so FAT with that bass! You done a nice job with the pickguard swap as well Bonus points for the Back to the Future shirt!
@dlamson13 I caught this one when you dropped in on YT and I may have even posted about it already… Anyways…It’s still worthy of some praise so here we go! I see you’ve got the trusty fretless in action here and it does not disappoint! Well done dude.
Diving back into the pile of @sunDOG covers! That Nirvana cover was quite nice man, glad the pick could bridge the gap!
Loved the Stereophonics cover, it is a simple line but those can be so fun! I like a good eighth note chugging song!
I see what you did there.
@beaurapp - I really loved the Al Green cover. Mistakes aside you had a good tone/feel and that bass is quite a fine looking one. Thanks for sharing!
The Thee Sacred Souls song is one of those I forget about and then re-discover here and there. You’re right in that old-school mojo that I’ve been itching to get into when I finish the 50 Songs. Really enjoyed this one!
@ed - Man I didn’t know this song at all, great opening groove and then the vocalist kinda tossed me off my guard! Still enjoyed the tune and I think you rocked it out! Your right hand action is amazing!
@JustinAndSheba - Hair metal action! Yessssss! Don’t know the group though. That riff is kinda simple but it really rocks! love the little chromatic run-up there. The bridge part was excellent as well. That little bass is always sounding large and in charge!
Now…Double Vision is one I know! I’ve heard that many a time on the old classic rock station in Detroit. Foreigner has so many amazing songs! You played it so smoothly man!
Great stuff Jerry! Very well played. I liked the multiple camera angles as well.
Such a fun song to play! Good job on this one Johnny!
Well, I think that’s enough for now! So many more to tackle later!
Such fun!!
Great job man!!
nice job! such a fun song to play.
Quick tutorial (2:30) video on how to clone yourself on iMovie that has been requested.
@John_E @Lanny
My wife had been going to a writing conference for the last few days so I’ve made a few covers also. This song just repeats the same riff, which in not very hard, but to keep playing it for five minutes with no changes is exhausting, like physically and mentally. It’s like trying to do 50 pushups in a row without being able to shake your arms out.
The Cure - Fascination Street
been playing bass since march 2020
been playing drums on and off since 1999 got my first kit in 2006
original drums and bass removed with Moises
I’m can attest to this myself. Having played songs that are basically the same thing over and over is exhausting both physically and mentally. Great job