I’m in the computing trailer park … PC
So no Garage Band … no iMovie… no cross collab between devices … LOL
I just get a track… play it… then use OBS for the vid. ( I’m honestly not that worried about fluff in the vid anywho… )
I’m in the computing trailer park … PC
So no Garage Band … no iMovie… no cross collab between devices … LOL
I just get a track… play it… then use OBS for the vid. ( I’m honestly not that worried about fluff in the vid anywho… )
What ever works John!! I have to separate each track anyway because the groups I play with don’t make up a full band most of the time. Sometimes it’s just me and a guitar player so I use Moises as the backing tracks for songs we play when we play out in public. Works pretty well. Also, the full covers I create have opened opportunities for me to play with others. Totally get where you’re coming from though…
That wasn’t a criticism btw … I found moises REALLY seriously helped with the process of learning by ear! Being able to make a trainer track with bass maxed… or an isolated to track to hear EXACTLY what is going on is INSANE!!
Back in the 90s I would have sold my soul for these kinds of toys! (if I hadn’t already of course …
Maybe one day I’ll go to Apple… then I’ll come to you for tips!
See above… I couldn’t agree more… it made it so easy to get in sync with the feel of the song too.
Oh no you didn’t I LOVE this song! Great job!
If I could offer you a tip… and I’m not being critical… so you know.
For the majority of the song it chugs on E to A then to B. You are phrasing it E(7th fret A string) A(5th Fret E string) B(2nd Fret A string). You could fret that B at the 7th Fret on E, and barely have to move Its all in the same little box
Again… not being critical… just something to consider
Again… great job @Vader
I’m actually doing the A as an open string, since that’s how every tab/playalong I saw had it.
I had thought about using the fifth fret on the E string for the A, but my brain was thinking “then I have to jump down for the B, and right back up to the E”. Never even thought about playing that B on the E string.
Definitely something I will try out. Thanks for the suggestion.
Ahh with the open A then yes the B in that place makes more sense LOL I thought you were playin it at the 5E spot …
my bad
Nice job, Vader! That was a good choice for a cover in the early stages of your Sith train…,I mean bass training.
Dude…nice tone, Milt. I enjoyed that one.
The Bass is strong with this one.
I assign you 10 Billie Jean and 5 Papas Got A Brand New Bag as pennance.
DAMN … you are on the DARK side… LOL!!
Well done Vader!
@Milt , Well played, it sounded great.
@JohnF What a voice, top job on the cover.
@Buzzin_Canada-John Plenty of emotion to be felt in that song, nicely done
@Vader You look super chilled out, well done
Thanks, Andrea! Yes…mesmerizing voice.
Good Job Vader!
After setting up the new Ibanez SR505 yesterday with new strings along with truss and bridge adjustments, I decided to throw together a somewhat short cover to see, feel, and hear just how this bass performs… Needless to say, it certainly more than met my expectations… Anyway, here’s my bass cover of Micah Tyler’s “Headed For The Mountain”… (Yup,… I also do “Church Music”)… Even though there are only a few bass notes played in the song, the speed, tempo, and timing of the bass notes along with the distinct drumline help carry the song in support of the lyrics… Even though the song is just under three minutes long, my fingers felt as if they did get a full five minute workout!! Enjoy!!
That bass is hella HOT And that bass line boogies! LOL …
hope you ate yer Wheaties!
Great job on that!! Loved it!
Thanks John!! It was a fun bassline to play… This was the first time I had ever played a fiver… AQ lot of the new Country music that I’m getting asked to play use five string bass’s so it was time to start using one…