Post your original songs/compositions!


Haha, yes the Church! (And the Cure as well) Maybe that’s why I had such a visceral reaction to the style.
These are currently hanging on my wall


Very good @quadfather,
I really enjoyed how the song started mellow and the progression of other instruments coming into the mix.
Sounds like you have a really good band​:+1::sunglasses:
Cheers Brian



Yes those two songs definitely have a similar ring to them. I wonder if I could nick their baselines to see if they’d suit better :smiley:

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Thanks, and yes we often start slow, layering it up a bit at a time and then go a bit mad when the chorus etc kicks in. It super fun with the band at the moment (hence not much time on here so much recently) and you know what bands are like - when it’s good, you’ve got to make the most of the time, as it never lasts for ever!



Thanks and glad you like it and hope it nudges you into action! (Verse is D and A#, chorus goes Bb, D, C, Bb, F, G) so you’ve got no excuse now, haha!

Well, this is my band Thump Whistle. Just released our full album. Used a lot of strumming and bass acts as lead instrument in this song, so I thought it is a little different. Hope you all enjoy. Stop Sometimes - YouTube


Sounds pretty good… not necessarily the music I typically listen to, but well done! And a killer singer :open_mouth:


Hey @kerushlow,
I really liked the song, great band you have going😎
Cheers Brian


Thanks guys. We are pretty varied, posted this one because bassline is different and bass centered song. We have more metal songs and softer ones.


Here is our newest release. First song after our first full album and will probably remain a standalone single.


Nice first up single @kerushlow,
Nice bass line in that mix😎
Good luck with it👍
Cheers Brian



Very nice… sounds a bit more polished than most of us hacks! How long have you guys been together? Had a chance to play much live yet or mainly concentrating on recording? I’m always impressed with those creating original material - its not an easy path!


Yeah I agree @kerushlow, that’s definitely some pro level production :slight_smile:


We have been together for almost 4 years. Had to go through some lead guitarists but current one fits in great and has stuck around. We did go to an actual studio to record our album, and that helped a lot. Took us a while to actually jam, write, arrange, refine our songs before being ready, and all of us are first time in a band or playing with others, and never wrote original before, so it was a learning curve for sure. My advice is just dive in and do it. It’s forced us all to become better individual musicians AND playing with others, as well as songwriting. As it stands we’d probably have changed a lot about these songs with how we are today, but we look forward not back. This one is our personal favorite.


We did 3 shows, then all the COVID stuff, so just focused on getting album out. Shoot me some of your recordings if you have any!


Deciding that something is finished is incredibly hard sometimes but a super important skill to develop. The perfect is the enemy of the good, especially for people cursed with perfectionism like me. I would literally work on tweaking a song forever if I could get away with it.


Paralysis by analysis my friend. We know what we know…we do have some perfectionism, but we learned so much from releasing, getting feedback etc…our next album will be even better, and the one after that better than that. If someone gives us a brutal review, we can cry about it, or truly to learn from it. All the while knowing music is HIGHLY subjective.


Here is my latest… just learned some really basic power chords, so built something around that.
Interestingly enough some of Josh’s bass wisdom is also helping me on the 6-string side of things a bit. These guitar power chords are simply root note, along with 5th simultaneously- so I can maneuver that shape along the fret board in a few places and “pretend” to actually play guitar, haha!


Very nice @lee_editorial👍
Sounds a bit like a Cure solo,
Nice production also,
Cheers Brian


I love it!

My entire guitar ambition is basically to just do rhythm chords :slight_smile: