Project Basses

It turns out that once you have a B string, you might just abandon Drop D after getting used to BEAD. I find myself very rarely tuning down, because with BEAD(G) you still have symmetric tuning (which is nice on the brain) while being more than capable of playing Drop D songs with slight modification.

My 604 used to be in Drop D at least 50% of the time and now it very rarely is. I’m curious if you notice the same thing.


@Lanny Very cool, man! Thanks for documenting all this for us.


Yeah thanks Lanny, definitely will use the drill bits and marker method if I do this. I have a modeling drill that will work much better than files.


There should be more brand new BEAD basses. Only know of a few (Warwick did one). People shouldn’t have to modify their basses themselves really, though it’s cool that you can do it and your method is great @Lanny. What if you want to go back to EADG? Will the wider but holes be an issue then? Maybe we’ll have interchangeable nuts at some point…

I’m thinking if my nice J-Bass EADG for rock/blues type stuff and a BEAD for modern/electro type stuff. Will try a five string, but I don’t think I’ll be keen.


it would be pretty easy to have two different nuts and change it depending on the string gauge you use. there is no glue and the nut only stays in place because of the string pressure.


Yep, the Corvette Taranis. 35" scale Corvette in BEAD.

Dingwall makes a bunch and I think it’s an option on any of them. because of course it is :slight_smile:

Warwick Just-A-Nut nuts are interchangeable. It’s actually a neat system. Adjustable and interchangeable.


Going back to EADG is a piece of cake by using a capo on the 5th fret… Actually, this is a very good thing for me to do with some of the later rock songs that I play when I’m playing a lead bass roll. Like playing a standard short scale…


All good ideas and input here on why a BEAD tuning makes good sense if you have a 2nd bass you like to play!


Or an excuse to buy a 2nd bass. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


@John_E i would recommend you to check out some hacker spaces/maker spaces/fab labs.
there are usually ppl who will guide you, if you need any machines (cnc router)


Another thread resurrection :scream:

Thought I’d post a couple of ongoing projects of mine.
First is my old Gibson made in Japan copy. Currently it’s in 1000 pieces atm waiting for deliveries . I’ve ordered a new bridge, screws,strings and stuff I’ve forgotten :crazy_face:
I’ve already filled holes and cleaned the body and neck but I won’t be making it look like new!
The pick ups will be reused as will the tuners and pots as there was nothing wrong with them but I will be adding a new 3 way switch. She’s had a hard life :scream:

The second is a Pitbull guitar kit that I’ve had a couple of months . It’s been a long haul getting the body oiled and finished but it’s nearly there. The zebra wood looks really cool in real life. I’ve also put a finish on the neck. Hopefully things will move quite quickly once the final coat of finish is dry.


Cool stuff! Do you have plans to leave the headstock as it is or could you get it to match the body somehow? Maybe give it a coating with the dark grey of the body??


@Mac love the zebrano, black headstock?


I’ve already attacked the headstock with my trusty jigsaw! :scream: All will be revealed soon :wink:


I’m thinking of sticking with a plain natural finish tbh. But now you’ve got me thinking :thinking:


So tonight I’ve been playing with shielding tape, new neck screws and more cleaning. Took what looks like a sh*t load of nicotine stains off of the neck and body…

while having a cigarette :upside_down_face::roll_eyes::face_vomiting:


Well, well… :sweat_smile:


just a cigarette ?


And coffee :coffee: :blush:


Hi @PeteP,
I’m just going back through old threads and came across your post,
I am considering PIMPING a Yamaha RBX200 I bought for parts to replace the tuning pegs on my original bass.
Could you pass on the contact details of the guy who may be able to assist me.
Cheers Brian


So when I eventually dug my old Rickenbacker copy out of the garage after 25 years of neglect I found it didnt work at all. The bridge was jammed up and wouldn’t adjust, the machineheads had seized and the strings were trash.
My friend donated his old gigging bass to me so I dismantled the rickenbacker copy, stripped the black laminate back to bare wood and gave it a bit of attention with some sandpaper.
I’m waiting on the delivery of a few parts but I’ve basically got two projects on the go at the minute.
I’ve modified the headstock of the rickenbacker neck a touch by cutting off a couple of corners and im mounting it on an Explorer shape body, and the rickenbacker body will be converted to hold a five string jazz style neck and bridge.
They might look rubbish, but I do enjoy a project and its keeping me busy in my limited spare time in the day! Ebay delivery is slow at the minute, for obvious reasons and I’m still waiting for the 5 string neck and a couple of pickups but I’m hoping to get some work done over the next week or so. Here’s some pics!