These are just for fun, answer as many or few as you like! Add more if you want. Yeah, some of these technically could have more choices, or more detailed explanations than just one choice. You can comment about it.
Been playing bass for (first picked up a bass, __ years ago):
Nice poll.
It would be cool if the “other” choice could offer a “write in answer”
Some I could only answer “ to best answer”. Like I would say both 4 and 5 string, but picked 4 cuz it’s my go to bass, although I love my 5 string, possibly more.I am just “ not there” yet.
Some of the results surprise me, and some are expected. I was surprised (and pleased) to see the high number of people who love music theory. Not surprised at the high number of people who use tablature instead of sheet music, since so many here are beginners.
As a side note, as I go thru the course a 2nd time, I am going to “Try” to get more familiar with sheet music reading as opposed to tabs. However, as I go thru it with my daughters, I may stick with tabs for them while they first go thru the course.
But I do plan to get there one day, sooner then Later I hope.
Plus I said I can play other instruments, but out of practice, and not well, so It was a “kind of” yes
It was the same with me. I could probably muddle through if you put a drum kit in front of me, or handed me a trumpet. But for the sake of full honesty, I said no to that question.
Sort of designed it that way, so you’d be forced to pick, rather than too many "both"s or "other"s That, and just made these up pretty quickly, probably missed some answer choices!
Can always comment about it, get some discussion going, lol!
I am literally 50/50 on plucking/picking (I have one bass that I mostly pluck, and one I mostly pick.) But I went with pick because no one else had yet, lol.
Also, I have multiple bass idols - Peter Hook, Kiyoshi, Chris Wolstenholme, Simon Gallup, Simon Raymonde, F-Chopper Koga, Kim Deal, etc. But I don’t aspire to play like any of them. My style is probably closest to Gallup or Raymonde. So I said “No.”
Love the polls you made too - that Demographics one is really the king of Bassbuzz polls!
Okay, me too admittedly. Was just trying to be a good boy and so I chose the sober answer, but after some morning refreshments, I’m feeling the other answer now
Yeah, I like both styles too, the pick could use some support in the polls right now. Let’s see if some more voters turn out!
Gonna seize on the popularity of Joe’s @Jazzbass19 demographics poll and bump this one up again too! Check his out too, the questions are at the very top of these threads:
I was surprised to see a majority said slap bass wasn’t their thing. Definitely not my thing. I figured I’d get flamed if I said it out loud. Lol!!!
Some real interesting stuff there
A couple of either options would have been nearer to the truth for me .
Think I pondered on the music theory question the longest because I don’t know enough about it yet to hate it or love it lol