Reverb site for 2nd hand gear

@T_dub I like that option but I live in the middle of no where right now. In the mountains of West Virginia. I used to live around Washington DC where I was actively apart of the music scene but that was years ago now.


I have this dual footswitch from NUX to control my drum machine. Itā€™s very high quality and works great.


Offer up works then, cuz they let you set up to ship.
when you create a For Sale post (it is very easy, and is just like a 5 step process), one of the pages you scroll thru has a check button asking if you want to accept shipping for greater exposure for your add. you select YES.
it will make you select a price for your shipment, based on box size. it is like $7.99, $9.99, $13.99
If it is something bigger then a pedal, select the $13.99, and just be sure in your item description to state ā€œbuyer pays for actual shipping costsā€. if you know what the cost is, just factor it into the price, or list it in the item description.

The 5 mile app, probably wonā€™t work for you.


Awesome, they sell it in the package for that LOOP CORE looper that I might get. It does looping, overdubbing, drum beats, and has memory presets for loops that you can activate by foot switch.

I never thought I would use a looper until I set up my Imac and GB, and I use them all the time for making samples of pedal sounds and pedal showdowns.
This way when you turn on a pedal and change the settings, you are ALWAYS running the same loop thru the pedal, so it is a DIRECT copy.

I know that is not much use for a looper so capable, but if I am going to get a looper to have more options and memory slots, I may as well get one with all the bells and whistles.
The wore tap has plenty of space, but the playback features are very very very limited. I have that for a totally different reason, but have been using it since the Zoom only has 50 seconds

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I just use my DAW (Reaper) as a looper since I have a laptop right here in my music room, which is hardwired into my DAI. Itā€™s easy enough to make short or long or any length I want of samples of my playing. Then, I can either save them, or toss them.


I am glad to hear you like the Brand and that it is high quality, I think that makes up my mind as to what looper I will get, I just need to make up my mind as to weather I am going to get one or not.

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There may be a way to do this or not, but when I am playing a loop thru my pedal, I am going into the DAW to record.
I am not sure if I can record a LOOP in the DAW, then play it out thru the pedal and back into the DAW to record it or not.

This may be more likely to be possible in a more extensive DAW thru some additional hardware and REAMPING? not sure tho.

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BTW we might as well help each other out a little. Post your reverb shop so we can follow it. Hereā€™s mine:


Hi @PamPurrs just wondered if the seller accepted the unit back with no further grief? Or did he make any claim about its condition when he got it back? Hope allā€™s sorted anyway


Hi @Mark_UK,
You have been lurking in the dark for a whilešŸ§
I was beginning to miss you :heart_eyes:
Cheers Brian


I have proof of delivery that he got it back, and I havenā€™t heard anything more from him.


Probably a good thing


Thanks Brian @TNKA36 wasnā€™t intentional! Yes been hellish over the last week or so with work, you have to do two weeks work in one to be able to take a week off.
Now Iā€™m off till 14th and plan to chill, catch up on B2B lessons and get my head back in a decent place :hugs:


Thatā€™s good, I agree with @T_dub probably a good thing.


Nice. :sunglasses:


Iā€™m thinking of selling my fretless bass on Reverb, and need some advice from some of the veteran Reverbers hereā€¦

Shipping is going to be expensive (I assume), so should I list it as ā€œLocal pickup onlyā€? It seems that would exclude a great many potential buyers. On the other hand, if I sell it to someone to whom I have to ship it, where would I get a box for it, and how would I determine the shipping cost ahead of time?

Anybody have experience selling basses on Reverb that can offer some insight?

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If you have a ups store you can take it in and get a quote for it. I have always found that I have to cover the majority of shipping costs myself and count it as the cost of doing business. If you are trying to sell, say, a $300 bass and it costs $80 to ship then it is a big factor, obviously.


Why, if I may ask (and I am really just curious)? Are you upgrading or is it because you have the upright instead??

Again, just curious, as I can certainly see a fretless for me on the horizonā€¦


I love this fretless bass. Itā€™s beautiful and sounds great, everything about it is lovable. Yes, the reason Iā€™m selling it is because the electric upright bass fills my fretless desires.


what kind of fretless is it?