SAG - Selling Aquired Gear

Sorry I forgot to answer. The Poly 800 has been produced since 1983, after the Polysix. It has an analog sound circuit, but a digital interface. It sounds definitly like an analog Korg, but I must say that I prefer the Polysix.

Anyway the keyboard is not easy to fix, so it’s not working right now.


Yep, same here. Same on eBay and other selling sites.
And it’s all because they cannot regulate the difference between a business and a person selling something. So they decided they would take a piece regardless. It’s nuts.

Down here, technically, at least in the great state of Tax York, you are legally obligated to report earnings from a garage sale, and, if you travel to another state and buy something tax free, report that too.


New York also started an income tax scam.
If you travel to New York for your job and stay more than 10 nights in a calendar year, you must pay NYS income tax on those days. Pepsi was forced to track hotel reservations in its travel system and report to the state. So our Chicago colleagues etc who came back and forth frequently would start staying in CT or NJ as of night 9.


Not just New York. In general, people who earn a living by providing services are subject to tax in the state where they provide those services as well as in their resident state. I went to Washington D.C for a NFL agent certification class and was shocked to find out athletes AND STAFF take a big hit. Professional athletes, as well as the coaches, trainers, and other personnel traveling with the team, must allocate their salary to the various states where the team plays or practices.

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This is shocking.


You guys should revolt and kick out the oppressive tax grabbing British government….oh wait sorry I forgot that’s already happened.


"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

The Who


The funny thing about US taxes is that we love to whine about them but in the end the US actually has something like the third lowest taxes of first world nations.

But if you want real outrage, even though I haven’t lived in the US in 15 years, I still have to file US taxes every year. And also report all of my bank accounts here to FINCEN as if I were a Romney trying to squirrel money away overseas.

Only two countries in the world tax citizens while living abroad. The US is one; the other is China.

Well if you don’t have universal healthcare you can cut some corners :wink:


Yeah. We only have socialism for retirees, unfortunately. The goodies don’t kick in until 62.

Well, tax and whine go together like… uhm… cheese and wine… or something :crazy_face:


About that universal healthcare, Barn… she’s not all she’s cracked up to be.

Maybe the doctors smile more here, but accessibility of specialists and diagnostics in for example PL blows Canada out of the water.

We stood still, resting on the laurels of our amazing healthcare system, while the world moved waaaaay ahead. I mean, 9 months to get registered with a family GP?

True, however I don’t have to declare bankruptcy if I get cancer; as sadly happened to an American friend of mine. Sure there’s always somebody better than us. But the principle of universal healthcare is at least treated like a human right / reasonable way to behave in Canada as opposed to something akin to communism.

Nationalized healthcare is awesome here in Japan. Truly amazing, largely because of the legislated price caps.


Here in France, healthcare was something great but it gets worse and worse, and now it’s becoming a real problem. It’s kind of extreme actually. For example, where I live, the emergency service at the hospital is now closed one day per week (because they don’t have enough money to pay enough staff). If you have an accident this day … well, bad luck.

At the same time, the taxes don’t get lower. At all. Life has become crazy expensive, for less and less public services.

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Emergency medicine is what Japan is worst at as well. Mostly underserved, ERs are too small and too few. It’s not uncommon to sit in an ambulance waiting for 10+ minutes while the driver calls around to hospitals. This actually happened to us when my wife had acute appendicitis, no fun at all. People die in this situation at least once a year.

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A few years ago I had to go to the emergency service at the hospital (not where I live now). It was quite serious, I don’t go to the hospital easily. I had to wait 9 hours (yes, hours) in a corridor before someone takes care of me. Better not to have a real vital emergency.

That’s pretty common in the US too sadly. I’ve had to wait hours in a US ER.

That’s horrible really.

… Well … back about SAG, I’ve just sold those two Strat bodies :

the red one is a Squier FSR in Candy Apple Red Black Sparkle, a very Gretsch-looking finish.


That does look very Gretsch :slight_smile:

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