Shall I contact this band?

I love it :rofl:


Cool stuff! How open were they to the fact you are still new and learning? I would love to get some face to face with others that can help answer questions and point out things I can improve on. Its all so new still for me! I am going to be in San Diego for a month on a school assignment for work, cant wait since I will be stuck in a hotel room and get to practice every day with nothing else to do after class!


Welcome aboard @paul.rezendes,
Enjoy the ride.
Cheers Brian


Welcome @paul.rezendes


Not too far from me. About an hour drive. If time permits, maybe we do a little dueling bass’s jam session


Welcome @paul.rezendes

a) In their ad on backstagepro they said “beginners also welcome” which was one of the reasons I messaged them.

b) I am the first bassist who messaged them out of their own motivation. They were looking for 3/4 of a year now and they very much accept that I just recently started playing but at the same time I think they were positively surprised at the B2B results :wink: But basically they would have taken anyone who says he is willing to play bass. Probably even someone who hasn’t played yet as long as he’s willing to learn.


After reading my own post I want to add something:
I think it’s rather the sympathy/chemistry between the people rather than skill that determines if you can play with a band/the band can play with you and you all can enjoy it.


For sure.

There have certainly been successful bands that hated each other, and maybe even made their best work then. But that would totally not work for me.

The band I was in were all best friends before being a band, and that was pretty critical for us. We were already used to the inevitable band drama, as it was just our pre-existing friend drama :slight_smile:


Yup, I find this too. The guys I play with are all friends that I know in the village I live in, so there is zero tension about skill or anything like that. If someone is struggling with a particular bit, we all just stop and help everyone out until they’re either happy with what to do, or we change it to accommodate that person. Same with new ideas - I’m often saying, “Guys, you know that bit where it goes down to G - I reckon it would sound better if we did this instead” and then I do something different. Sometimes we all just laugh because I got it completely wrong, and other times, it’s “Yeah, that does sound better actually, lets go with that”. And you really need that support and collaboration I find.


That’s it @howard and @juli0r,
Think about Fleetwood Mac’s. “Rumours” album, the turmoil going on there during the recording of the album.
The songs are like weapons, but they are classics.
Cheers Brian


That album is precisely what I was thinking of when I typed that :slight_smile:


The Ramones fall into that catagory.


Lots of bands, yeah. Oasis comes to mind too (but that’s mostly because of one person).


Of course there are bands where there is bad blood. I don’t think anyone of us is in it for money when looking for a band but to maybe grow as a musician/bassist and to have fun so I would not join a band in which I dislike the members.

I don’t have to love them but I want to get along with them.

I also want to say that while they probably would have accepted a complete beginner I feel more confident having graduated the B2B course beforehand so to me it seems like exactly the right time as I didn’t get bored with personal practice and playing with other people and prewritten songs pushes me a little bit out of my comfort zone that it’s scary but it’s not “oh my god I can’t do it” kind of scary. Somewhat intimidating is the right word I guess.


As you should, just like @JoshFossgreen promised :wink:

Yes, you are most “fortunate, son”. (Pun intended) :wink:


Really nice to hear how this turned out!

Do it. You’ll be great!


@juli0r Just been catching up on this and awesome work! So happy for you, go for it!!! :blush:


@juli0r Has there been any update on the band situation?


The week my cat died I didn’t go to practice and instead buried her. After that I went one time but the practice room still isn’t ready - we painted it on thursday and I guess next time I’m there we can actually play with the full band.

The guitarist who used to play bass is constantly picked on but it took me like 15 minutes of knowing him to get why. He is nice but talks a lot and is a bit… clumsy is not really the right word. Clumsy but with thinking/talking? Is there a word for that?

The girl doing vocals is nice. My first impression is that the drummer and her are the people organising stuff and keeping everything together while he is very relaxed she sometimes comes off as bossy. But at the same time I guess one of the band has to be.

I’m still working on the songs they send me. I got one 100%, one around 90% and the last one 30-50%. I probably could play the last one but haven’t learned the notes yet. Because the stuff I talked about earlier like the 16th’s and pauses are comfortable for me now. Not easy yet but comfortable.

So I guess tuesday we’ll set everything up in the practice room but the sound isolation is still missing. So might be a little until we actually can practice.


I look forward to hearing more about it once you get it all sorted out.