Not a concert per se, but a concert movie. Babymetal 43, in a theater in Seattle. On 12/11.
It is a special concert filmed in Okinawa (43, Shi San, is reminiscent of the Shisa, a mythical creature revered in Okinawa). Not seeing them this year, but close. Worldwide with the rest of the fandom on 1 day. It is a crazy fandom.
I love all those bands.
How was Pallbearer?
I really liked the new album, but heard a lot of complaints since it went a bit longer/softer than previous ones.
My new buddy, who I met during the “Earring and I” event, convinced me to accompany him to the Bernth + Charles Berthoud “Escape the Internet Tour” in Utrecht on January 24th. Going to be interesting.
Just realized I never posted anything about this one… It was… okay, I guess. My biggest disappointment was that Duff didn’t play any bass at all. I mean, surely he could have played bass on one or two songs? But no (and don’t call me Shirley). But I’m not complaining. Had a couple of drinks, listened to some live music, guys could play, all good.