I meant this one
I’m thinking this cosmic sans
Cool. Ash is my jam. Congrats, @Al1885!
I Edam because it’s Gouda
Edam is Gouda ‘nuff.
That is sooooooo cheesy!
I am still in love with this bass! I like it even more than Cheese.
I use this to demo stuff at the HIFI shop sometimes
Aw, you’re just stringing me along.
That is so badass, Al!
Wow what an amazing instrument @Al1885 !
Side note: I had no part in the cheese derailment this time…
Lol thanks @cheeze_pizza
Thanks @withthecherrytrees
More pics tomorrow when I get a chance to really
Get some good shots. This was good enough to update my profile with though… thought it fitting to keep this one in the family so I payed @JustTim a very quick visit on my lunch break yesterday…
Happy for you, Jesse. #spoiled # probably went over on lunch break time
I would say he is a keeper. Damn fine basses!
Was a mix of Anniversary, Xmas and Birthday all rolled into one. Not sure how he managed to order them while he was deployed but BOY was I surprised!!!
That is seriously cool. Congrats.