Song 13 - "Alone, Together" by The Strokes

Oh, I was thinking “Alone Together”. Catherine Russell’s version of the jazz standard is my favorite.
As Rosanne Rosanna Danna would say…………………”Never mind!”

Hey all! Well I won’t be knocking out a song a week anymore in “level 2”. This song took a lot of reps to get comfortable with but I had a lot of fun learning it. The descending part in the chorus has this dreamy floating in the air feeling to me (I’m only high on bass, fyi :laughing: ). I also like the part where it drops to the low A note. I remember one of the modules Josh talking about the impact you can get when you go from a higher octave back down to the low notes, this definitely has that effect. Here it is:


Like it!!! Especially the Fender Water Heater bass amp!!! Great timing and sound!! Well done!

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Haha Thanks a lot @Johnny_StringRay! Yeah, with all the heat those tubes make maybe I should try to hook it up to the heater :laughing:

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This song is the bane of my existence.
But your awesome job motivated me to go back and kick its ass.

This was great. Just a great job.
You damn guitarists have an edge on a song like this for sure. Hahahahaha
Tone was great too. You looked really relaxed playing it too.

So now I’m determined to beat this tune. Practice ensues. Getting close.


Nice, You got this John! Thanks for the kind words. You know I’m pretty sure this was the first time I covered one of these that you didn’t post already, so I’m glad I can return the motivation favor.

100% true, this is a guitarist friendly tune for sure, considering we look for any excuse to wank out pentatonic licks at the 12th fret.

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Lol. It was the first one of the challenge that I had to ‘really’ work at :slight_smile:

@barney, I’ve been using your video to help me figure out the changes from one rhythm to the next. Yours is so cleanly played it’s a big help.

I’ve got some sort of mental block with this dopey tune.

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Thanks for the push @dlamson13
Not even gonna look at this one in my rear view mirror.

Tried out the Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounders and GHS Boomers on this one.
Some VT Bass DI in SVT mode as well.
F’in song!


You did it! Way to put this one behind you @John_E. Sounds like you caught on to the weird/disorienting timing on this lovely f’in song after all :laughing: . Very nice looking/sounding bass as well.

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Alright, it’s been a bit since I put one of these, I had a few hiccups… this is my first “proper” video, thanks to John and Pam
I recorded the video with a Logitech PC camera using the built in windows software, the audio was via Focusrite into Reaper, Bass and zoom B1x (I don’t remember with which effect) and then I put everything together in Movavi… I have done a couple more since this one, and it’s getting easier… I still feel like cheating by “lip-synching” but that’s how the pros do it, right?


Another great job. Mix was really good too.
Well done. As you may know I hated (hate) this song and it took me months to get it. Congrats. You did great.

So if you listen you can hear a few notes “drop out” a bit here and there. This is where fun with compressors in your DAW start to come into play to help even out softer or harder notes. Since you’ve clearly mastered the mixing and video parts, you might like to check some of the threads here on how to add one. @JerryP is a recent convert as well. I always use them in any recording now to fix just this.

Great job again @Reo


Thanks John_E
I’ve only scratched the Surface of the DAW, one of these days I’ll sit a mess around with it

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This was really tough for me, but here it is…


This song was a real PITA for me as well @doylecb.
It was also the first song I decided to skip over and keep working on while I kept moving forward in the challenge songs. The a-ha for me was that I did not have to do them all in order for any special reason. Some of the later songs are way way easier than this one, to me anyway. Everyone’s milage will vary on that one.

I kept going back to this here and there and then finally months and months later it finally clicked for me.

I think you did a pretty darn good job on this one, way better than I could have if I did not postpone it for so long, so … kudos!

I think Josh has this tune here to get us up in the higher frets and start feeling comfortable playing up there (which it is not at the outset).
Come back to that little riff over time and I bet you think it is super easy.

My only feedback is you might want to watch how much ‘bopping’ you are doing as that energy might better be served channelling into your fingers vs. potentially helping them miss the beat. But again, this is from a guy who really can’t move at all when playing, so maybe for you it helps you.

Don’t forget to cross post in the cover’s thread!


Thanks for the positive and constructive criticism as always John! I definitely think I need more focus and precision in my playing which is something I will continue to work on. I have made it part of this challenge personally to memorize every song. Some are obviously more difficult than others but overall that has gotten easier for me, so I realize that I have been letting some sloppiness go because I was just happy I was able to learn the songs you guys are an inspiration because most of you are who are doing all of these are really good!


Nice job @doylecb, great to see you advancing through the challenge! This is probably the trickiest one you’ve attempted so far and playing high up on the neck takes some getting used to. Running through scale patterns can help.

Nice, I’m similar, I hate looking at the music when I play, makes me feel kind of robotic.

As you pointed out you’re more focused on “what” to play rather than “when”, but that doesn’t mean you have to learn the whole song before you can improve your timing. By breaking a song like this into parts you might be able to get 2 birds stoned at once. For example, after you learn the main riff, you can spend some time playing it to a metronome nice and slow:
and focus on the count “1 and”__ “3 and” __, “1 and” __ “3 and” “4 and” over and over faster and faster.

Just some food for thought and you may be already doing these things. You’re doing a great job and making a lot of progress, especially the way you’re navigating the fretboard. Locking in your timing is what will take you to next level at this point. Keep up the great work!


Great advice. That’s a good point about counting. It is definitely some thing I was doing at the beginning, but I’ve kind of consciously moved away from the focus more on “feel” I think I will try doing it at the beginning when learning songs that was just to make sure I’m in the right place with everything.

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I seem to focus on counting in the beginning of learning a song THEN let the feel take over (at least on the tricky parts). I always think I can do feel first and always learn it’s easier the other way round. Lol.


OMG I’m so loving learning this song! I just managed to play it through without my charts at full speed, 3 times!
What a RUSH (not that Rush)! I’ all sweaty from the workout.
I know for some of you this was a labour to get through but if you embrace it for a sheer stamina and chugging exercise, what an exercise!

I guess it helps that I really like the song and being able to play it is just awesome.

It’s not ready for prime time so you’ll have to wait for my cover but it’s close. I just wanted to exclaim my excitement for it.

Small edit.
Last week I found myself in a slump not wanting to play. It was mostly due to the previous song in the list. I just was not having it. I don’t dislike “All Star” but it was just grating on my nerves playing it over and over and not enjoying it.
I decided to check what was next, try out the first page of the score and I was hooked.
I’ll head back to Smashmouth another time, maybe.