Song 5 - "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC

Maybe @JoshFossgreen can split off the how and where to post video/audio portion of this thread to the one @T_dub created “YouTube Sucks”, that it can stay true to the challenge?


Thanks @John_E, done! Posts moved to YouTube BLOWS - Where else can you host and link to embedded files


Ok at first the A-E-F#-E-G-F# lick was killing me, especially when accounting for muting going from the open-A to the open-E. Now it’s okay. I love that later on one of the licks sounds like Ghostbusters haha.


Yeah, this song has some tricky bits. I imagine it’s especially hard if anyone isn’t familiar with the song. I instinctively know when to come in after the long pause because I’m so familiar with the song. What I’m trying to get down right now is some of those trickier parts towards the end of the song. I’m 80% there. Probably record it tomorrow.


Here’s my recording. Far from perfect, but I struggled to get a take that didn’t have a few bum notes. Always happened in different places though! This wasn’t too bad, except I whiffed on one note completely. I was concentrating a lot on the staccato, which is what kept making me mess up in other places. Anyway, time to move on…

Also, syncing was an issue on this. Not sure why. If I sync’d one half of the song, the other half was out of sync.


Not bad at all, @JT . . . :slight_smile:

Long time AC/DC fan here! :+1:


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Nice job @JT
You caught your staccato note bits, enjoyed the take!

The one thing I notice is your intently reading the sheet music. Try to free yourself from the sheet. You will get more comfortable with the song overall. Might take more frustrating takes but it does help to learn the song cold. One less thing to manage when recording.


Yeah, I do prefer to have it memorized, but this one wasn’t sticking in my head. I had Another Brick in the Wall memorized and it definitely made things easier. I’m just swamped with other stuff right now, but don’t want to fall behind. Next song is blues which I should pick up a lot easier so can hopefully look at the sheet music less on that one.

Sometimes mine messes up, for no reason I can tell, but a restart of my computer fixes it right up. Not sure if this is your issue, but might be worth a shot.

Nice job, I didn’t notice, you covered well. :+1: :+1:


I’ll try that next time. I’m doing it on an old Mac, so could just be a performance related issue too.


You did great! I’m still struggling with the song. Just a couple of the runs have me flustered, but hopefully, I’ll get the song posted next week.

Good job @JT!

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Next one is one line thorughout, you will nail it!

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@JT @JPHaggerty - don’t get me wrong, this one took me way longer to nail than it should, something about it. Must mean we are learning something.

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So am I, so good chance that is the issue.
Just like my Phones, When something starts acting up, a restart is needed. with my phones, its like once a month, but with my old Mac, its more like once a week


It’s six staccato quarter notes on an open string followed by… something different - especially in the latter part of the song. I’m concentrating on the “something different” until I can memorize them. Then I’ll put them in the proper places. At least that’s my approach to learning…


Great job @JT.


Good Job, JT
Thought it was me but song was harder than it seemed. Sounded good, your tone was good also. Cheers :beers:


Sounded good to me @JT. Nice bass!


Our hand can mostly stay around the fifth fret, except when we need to jump back down for the A-E-F# bit. If trying to play this without looking at the neck, are there any tips for finding the 5th fret again afterwards? Or is it just experience/feel/instinct?

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Yes, @fosskers . . . It’s just a matter of experience and practice! . . . :slight_smile:

The more and the longer that you play, the need to look at the fretboard will decrease.

Cheers and good luck to you,