Speaking of pet pictures

Oh, yeah, that’s right… that is where that came from!! :smile:

Thanks for jogging the old memorybox, @Jazzbass19 :brain:


This is taking a sad turn.

Both cats I was on about lately have crossed that same bridge years ago. The calico killer queen with the Attitude died in 2012, and Sennapoes Tripod, the one pictured at the top of this thread, died in April 2017.

I ugly-cried like a baby for both. Sennapoes literally died in my arms… he clung o me during the last hours of his life, and when the vet administered the mercy shot, I refused to set him on the table. I cried so hard I couldn’t even talk anymore.

In fact, there hasn’t been a single time I didn’t cry when one of my cats left the planet. It’s gut-wrenching.
But most of my cats were rescues, in a way… so in the end, I just wonder what their life might have been like. That does help. And as I said earlier, the memory of the love I got out of them (and yes, cats are very loyal, and very empathic too) more than makes up for the grief.
In the end, the grief makes place for melancholy.


That’s a good point, @peterhuppertz . . . and you’re right.

Who knows what could have happened to them if you hadn’t come along and taken them in? Starved? Hit by a car? Injured by another animal or even poisoned by someone? (sadly, I have seen that happen :frowning: )

Whatever time they had with you was probably the best they ever had, and I sincerely hope you can take some comfort from that … :slight_smile:

Cheers, Joe


This is Shiloh… Shiloh is not dead… yet… but there are some days…



Hey dude know your pain hope this helps
I stood by your bed last night; I came to have a peep.
I could see that you were crying you found it hard to sleep.
I spoke to you softly as you brushed away a tear,
“It’s me, I haven’t left you, I’m well, I’m fine, I’m here.”
I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea,
you were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me.
I was with you at the shops today; your arms were getting sore.
I longed to take your parcel’s, I wish I could do more.
I was with you at my grave today; you tend it with such care.
I want to re-assure you, that I’m not lying there.
I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key.
I gently put my paw on you; I smiled and said, “it’s me.”
You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair.
I tried so hard to let you know, that I was standing there.
It’s possible for me, to be so near you every day.
To say to you with certainty, “I never went away.”
You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew…
in the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.
The day is over… I smile and watch you yawning
and say “good-night, God bless, I’ll see you in the morning.”
And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,
I’ll rush across to greet you and we’ll stand, side by side.
I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.
Be patient, live your journey out…then come home to me.


Wow, that is beautiful. Thnx for sharing.


These are my Collies, The brown one is Shelby, named after Carroll Shelby, daughter loves the mustang, Collies, and Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mack. The white one is Sahara, wife thought the name was fitting.


Hi @Gadget,
Love your family, they look amazing. (No they look like rock stars):sunglasses:
Cheers Brian


They are both divas


Oh well, I don’t need much encouragement to share a cat pic

Winston (left) and Myrtle. Myrtle was a stray who was trapped and neutered and about to be returned to the streets.
Winston was in the street when I was coming home from work. I left notices and a couple of months later I took him to the vet and he belonged to someone else.
Anyway they couldn’t trace them so he’s officially mine now.


We are so lucky to own or have owned such wonderful little souls


Here’s my guardian angel. She often just sits there, right next to me, keeping tabs.


Nice adoptions @8-BitRach.
They look like they are now well entrenched as happy content family members.
Cheers Brian


Some one has obviously got to keep an eye on you @peterhuppertz.:joy:
With your GAS disorder, gee I love that cherry bass.:joy:
Cheers Brian

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So bass build kits come with free cardboard cat beds:


You know about cats and cardboard boxes, right?


I have cats. I order stuff sometimes. It’s impossible to not know.
Or do you mean the scientific explanation why they love them? Because there is one. I just didn’t bother to remember it.


I’m unsure whether I adopted them or they adopted me!


You made me visit Google, because you’ve piqued my curiosity. Here’s what I found:
Cats get comfort and security from enclosed spaces, which is why they love spending time in cardboard boxes. Cats use boxes as hiding places where predators can’t sneak up on them from the side or behind. … Cats don’t have in-built conflict resolution strategies, so they much prefer to hide from their problems.


Purdy much.