TalkingNut - Peanut Butter: How to use, with what, or if at all?

Let me guess you have not seen 3rd rock from the sun. John Litgow was brilliant.

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like peas and lentils


Well technically speaking, a nut is a hard-shelled indehiscent fruit, like a chestnut - it doesn’t split open as it develops. Peanuts split their shell (dehisce) and hence are just seeds. There are some other nuts that are not nuts e.g. almonds.

I’ll see myself out…

PS peanut butter on muesli in the morning :ok_hand:


Ooh. I’m gonna try this. I love muesli.

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This is my “beef” with peanut better:

Only 2% moisture!!!


I worked with the good folks at Natick (where all MRE design and development is done) for years and years doing processing research trying to find ways to improve all sorts of things. Same with the NASA food folks. Both groups have a very difficult task in figuring out food that is edible when and where it’s consumed. Their research center is beyond impressive. And pretty much every calorie and gram of whatever is accounted for and designed. They also do all the food for service animals like horses. Got to see horses on treadmills in a room that could go from a desert to a jungle to a frozen tundra. Very cool.


Apple slices with almond butter, sprinkle of cinnamon :yum:


I didn’t like the oil separating from natural PB, either, and I considered going to a homogenized (stuff added) version until I read about a simple tip.

The trick with natural PB is to store the jar upside-down when not in use. Then just flip it over when you’re ready to scoop some out.

Sounds absurd, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t work. Now there’s no dry PB or pool of separated oil.

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Pleonasm :joy:

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Sounds like a death metal band.


I never would have guessed that. Thanks

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When I was a kid and a lot of foods were more pure than nowadays we used to do this.
Thanks for the flashback :slightly_smiling_face:

Also reminded me of when margarine block came as a 2 part kit. White margarine and a what they called a colouring/flavour bud that you had to mix together :joy:

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I’ve built a margarine plant.
Pro tip: Don’t eat margarine.


My mate had a Saturday job working in a factory that made jam. Nobody has enough money in the world to get him to eat strawberry jam after what he saw going into the process :wink:


Why not and what is the alternative?

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We live in an area with a lot of very large strawberry farms and have made out own since 1978.
It’s less than 1/2 the price of store bought and has a lot less additives.

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Why not?

  • rancid oil covered up by “fresh” oil, maskers and other flavorings
  • impossible to clean properly, thus above
  • guess who love rancid oils? - rats! You haven’t lived until you’ve seen oil floating out of a pipe with dead/decayed rat pieces in it.

Butter is correct

  • loads of regulations around any dairy product.
  • clean as a whistle factories

Wait… what?

A full spoon of peanut butter put into a glass, and then Coke is poured into the glass without removing the spoon? And you then drink the concoction?


I suggest you not try one then :slight_smile:

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