What are your short and long-term goals?

Short term: Finish first round of B2B (I’m in module 15) then go through a second time, focusing on cleaner playing, muting, theory.

Mid-term: Expand skills and build confidence by playing with kind musician friends.

Long-term: Play…live? Maybe?


For what I use it for, it is great for the money I spent. Really adjustable EQ. The only limitation is the size of the speaker. It does not put out the thunderous lows like a bigger speaker would.

That’s great, just what I was hoping for. Thanks for the update of information.

Just be aware that the BA-108 is not giving you the full sound your Bass, or any Bass, is capable of and will not be your last amp purchase if you do decide to buy it.

Have you considered getting a Zoom B1Four Multi Effect pedal, for less money, and just using headphones, or incorporating it with your existing amp? Just a thought.

What amp are you using now, that you want to replace?

Short Term: Build enough skill and confidence to play with other musicians again.

Long Term: Probably be in a band, though not entirely sure what I would do. I don’t think I want to do the whole “modern metal” thing though. I might want multiple bands in different styles/genres but also don’t want to stretch myself too thin, either. My “rig” will probably be very modular due to this (ie, a 1x12 cab, a 2x12 cab, etc).

Also, to narrow my basses down to a few special ones. And make one from some old weathered fenceboards for at least the body top. I bet the tone is crunchy :joy:


The amp I currently have is an amp called drive 20w, very basic with no bells or whistles. I really enjoy that ampeg sound. Would the ampeg scr-di or even a ampeg pre amp also with this?

Not really the place to ask this, imo XD

But the Caline CP-60 Wine Cellar preamp/DI is geared toward the Sansamp sound which iirc is geared toward the Ampeg sound. It’s $40. The Behringer one is even cheaper (I think it’s ugly af though XD). Video Reviews seem to really like it.

We’ll just call it a goal for you :eyes: Yes, a goal. Nothing to see here, this is all on topic.

Not sure what you are saying here.

Also @Koldunya is right you should start a new topic on this so we don’t get completely derailed on long and short term goals. :slightly_smiling_face:

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My apologies, new to this. Thanks for the heads up.

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Thanks to everyone for the assistance!

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Short Term: I am a few weeks off finishing Ariane Cap’s Music Theory for the Bass Player Cohort. It is a 40 week course and (IMO) my skill level, confidence and music theory knowledge has increased 10 fold doing this course. So, sadly, that’s coming to an end, however I’m going to do her Level 1 Pattern System practice group (10 week live group on Zoom) following her Pattern System book. In the background I’m puttering around with some Scott’s Pathways - there is a good Blues one and a good RnB one that I look at when I have some time.

Long term: I joined a garage band back in October (90s plus grunge/alternative rock) - that has been a great practical, real-life learning opportunity - I love it and will keep doing that as long as I can. I’d also like to start playing with other people in other genres and start live gigging more.


That’s great @Bassdacious !
I was wondering where you have been hiding.
Best of luck wtih the band.




A la Jack White?


It’s out of tune.
Probably the coke bottle’s fault.


:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Thank @John_E - Yes, I’ve become the classic ‘lurker’ here. Need to log on more often as I’ve learnt so much off everyone here and it’s definitely the friendliest forum with the least amount of BS.


I haven’t finished it because i took time out to do the jazz accelerator course… I’m about 1/2 way through now. It was slow at the beginning and kind of sucked that it was gated because there was nothing new for me for the 1st 6 or 8 weeks but now everything is unlocked so that’s nice. It’ll depend a lot on your current skill level.

So far there’s been lots of good little tips and tricks and great exercises to work on. The biggest problem i have is I’ll sit down to watch the lesson video but they’re about 30-50 mins long and by the time i’ve gotten through the video, i’m out of time to actually practice and when i get back to it again, i have to re-watch the video and i still don’t get to practicing :joy:

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Getting back on track. Done a lesson every day this week. Little bored because they’re not challenging. I mean it’s new material, but I kept playing through the pause and it’s no longer pushing me. But keeping on.

Short term: Finishing B2B, and playing faster/cleaner. I’m playing cleaner day by day, but the progress to play faster, without a pick, is slower.

Long term: Having a punk/hardcore band, playing the bass and/or singing. Not too much, as you may guess :slight_smile: