Yamaha TRBX not cutting it for me

Yeah not sure why they photo that way. They don’t look like that at all.

Here is the Sweateater professional photo of my actual bass

I bought it as a Demo unit but they sent me all the professional photos of it


Man. What a good looking bass this is. Better looking than my Fender Jazz in Cobra Blue

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Yeah, that’s what every single one I have seen looks like. Looks awesome.

But for some reason like half the online pics for sale are that weird washed out yellowish color. Often with other pics of the same bass looking right. I don’t get it.

Like this one as an example. So weird. Must be an odd lighting thing.

Top pic and the shot of the back look right, then there’s the glaring one.

It really is a nice looking bass, both this and the black one.

Never seen mine look like this even under direct sunlight. Very strange. Mine always look like my photo. I still prefer the Sunburst over the black one to be honest. Even though Im doing Miki Santamaria bass lessons and he has a black one. I just wish I can sound half as good as he does. Or like Josh with his Cyrus. Anyways I digress.

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Miki is truly next level.

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You’ve poisoned my mind and now I can’t decide which I like better at this point either :slight_smile:

I love the matte black but now my subconscious is feeding me lies like “it will scuff up and you’ll hate it” :rofl:

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Hahaha… with a name like Dark Coffee Sunburst how can you NOT love this color!! But dont get me wrong… The black one is also nice… It seems to me that it would be harder to keep clean as any oil from your skin will leave a shinny spot.

For example, I see a couple here.

Again this is just me… :smiling_imp:
EDIT: Found the same video que English captions

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That looks like a good bass lesson. I wish I spoke Spanish!

I think the matte black looks sick on that bass! But… I bought the coffee sunburst because of concerns the matte finish would get shiny spots from wear (or oils like you mentioned). I think the coffee sunburst bass has a refined, regal look to it, though it’s not as eye-popping and pretty as, say, some of the TRBX basses (like my red 604) or the Dingwall basses.


Also: I discovered a reason why my 604 was unsatisfying on the bottom end. The one knob I didn’t twiddle was the pickup balance knob, which was toward the bridge pickup. Twiddled it back to balance more on the neck pickup, and I get some boom. Still doesn’t growl like my BB, but definitely a lot more satisfying than it was!


Oh yeah, if it was balanced for bridge you’re going to lose a lot of the boom (and gain some growl). That explains a lot :slight_smile:

He’s an amazing bassist. Yamaha is lucky to have him as a spokesperson.

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Indeed… I highly recommend his bass playing school after you complete Josh’s and if you speak Spanish. Great teacher. The school also has lessons from Vincen Garcia who is also a Yamaha spokeperson. He plays a BBP34 which I just noticed , @howard, it looks more like the photo that you showed. (not as dark). Ha!

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Have you seen the midnight blue BBP34? Gorgeous.


Oh wow… look at that!! :heart_eyes: Never seen it. Oh man… save more $$ and go for that one!! Whats one more year!

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that’s the one I want

Better pic :slight_smile: )


I like the sound of Ibanez SR series, depending of your budget is what number to get.

Indeed better picture. Was trying to get the blue out of several sites, but this is the best one so far. Thanks for sharing

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Honestly I can make my 604 sound like pretty much whatever I want…

I could not agree more.

One thing not mentioned in this thread is what size speaker is being used in the amplifier, or is it being played into a DAW which opens up a whole new can of worms for beginner bassists because of the steep learning curves on some of them -Reaper comes to mind.

I see so many people trying to play bass with 8" (or smaller) speakers and then wondering why they are not happy with the sound.
I had a Rumble 40 but upgraded to a Rumble 100 within a couple of weeks.
I was amazed at how much difference, and versatility this added to my sound/tone.