I know this question has been asked before, but maybe a re-fresh would help me and others. I have a great practice area for bass, but it is in my basement. This is good as it is a dedicated space, and quiet for the rest of the house. But, sometimes, I’d like to just watch TV with the wife, and noodle on some scales. So, would you get a Micro (Micro) bass, Small scale or U-bass? Sound isn’t super important, cause I would likely playing without amp or just headphones. Looks matter, since it would be part of the living room, and not just the basement. Would like to keep it low cost (<$400). Thanks for any guidance.
I usually play around with my Steinberger on the couch but yesterday I ordered this. Next week I can tell more…
I have that exact one and it’s fantastic. Requires a big change in how you hold the guitar (need to hold it between the legs in more of a “classical guitar” style) but it doesn’t take long to get used to the difference.
I have the Kala solid body U Bass. Small, sounds good, not crazy expensive. Might be something to look at.
Wow. That looks cool. Come to think of it, I will be traveling this spring, so having something to take with me is a factor as well. Please follow up on how you like it.
Awesome. Thanks. Really good cover too. Sounding great.
Same here. I thought if I remove the neck of a normal scale bass it will fit in my suitcase but it doesn’t so I decided to buy the Flight Bass. The kala ubass mentioned by @Barney has also very good critiques but it is 2cm larger and hasn’t this awesome colour:heart_eyes:
I can recommend the Blackstar Carry-on travel bass. I also have the Flight mini bass but the E string doesn’t sound right (intonation?). Anyway I have to fix it! The other three strings are fine!
I can also recommend the little Blackstar!
Upgraded with an active EMG P pickup it sounds very grown-up. But it already sounds ok with stock pickups (due to the thick strings).
I have tested the Kala and also the (much larger) Ibanez. This one sounds better.
This is how I travel with it:
EDIT For playing on the couch I just went to 30" short scale though - it’s small enough, but sounds much better. And I imagine, for long scale players it’s easier to switch back & forth…
Couch bass? For me probably the Squier mini P. $200 great modding platform and most importantly, plays the same as the short scale, especially with the 20 frets spacing, which is the key.
I love my 23” scale as well as the Kala Ubass but they don’t play the same way. Extra focus on fretting is required. My couch bass is the Sterling Short scale custom Fretless.
Awesome input, everyone. I think 30" would work on the couch. Less so for traveling. I just got back from Guitar Center, and they didn’t have much. But the Ibanez Mikro and Jackson Minion’s were set up horribly, so couldn’t really tell if they were good or not. In the acoustic room, I played this and REALLY liked it. PNB14E | ACOUSTIC BASS | ACOUSTIC GUITARS | PRODUCTS | Ibanez guitars
I had the Kala Journeyman, which I liked very much … except for travelling.
It was still to big … getting a solid body and taking it apart (neck/body) is so much better for travelling!
If you’re not traveling then a mini bass I like the look of is this ($209)
I just discovered that one last night. Seems a pretty good option as well.
28.6" is almost 30".
If you think about that dimension, I would go for a Ibanez GSRM20B. Those are almost “real” basses.
Otherwise (for travelling), it’s this, cause of the 22"-25" size:
- Flight Bass
- Kala solid body bass ukulele
- Blackstarr Carry On Travel bass.
Very good point! Perhaps, trying to get two-in-one (couch bass and travel bass) is not ideal. Darn…I have to get two basses!
Next stop: GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome (Part 2)
yes (i have all 3)
any would work, although the smaller you go the more different the feel so it would be helpful if you could try them first to make sure you like playing them.
I prefer something like this. It’s a medium scale 32" in the length of short scale guitar.
It sounds great and it comes with build in headphone amp. easy to travel.
i mean i said what i said, but all things being equal a 32" scale bass or 30" scale even isn’t really a sofa bass IMO. if you want something small and unobtrusive to pick up and jam on, i would honestly lean toward a u-bass of some sort. you can have the thing strapped on your body for hours when not even playing it and veg out in front of the tv.