I'm done with the B2B course, now what?!

I completed this course in 6 weeks. I got a ton from it. I have been jamming with my bandmate and feeling fairly confident in my major,minor scales and 145, 135.

But, I want more! These lessons have been a great way to just practice. Is there a plan for a next set of lessons? Badass to god level? If so, I’m buying!

Josh, you are great teacher and I want more. Any good news on another course?



Six weeks and you have not posted on the forum.
Shame on you :rofl:

Don’t hold your breath for the next course.
I have been waiting for a year. Others have been waiting longer.

For now, my suggestion is to go to the 50 Song Challenge.
Note: Not a challenge per say.

Don’t forget to go to go to the Introduce Yourself thread in this link Introduce Yourself! (2018-2022) :+1:


I would say practice, practice, practice. If you really want specific courses you could look at Talkingbass too.


Hi Karl, glad you are here.

There are a few threads on this you can find here that dive into this in depth…

And of course, our very own…


Thanks for the warm welcome guys and thanks for the links!


So if you finished b2b in 6 weeks, you’re either A: a previously accomplished musician or B: simply a star with stainless steel fingers.

Either way, good on you! Have you checked out the lessons from Luke at become a bassist? He has a lot of intermediate/expert level courses available.


I do have a musical background but I have played a lot of racket and never really learned anything proficiently. I am a solid beginner to weak intermediate level on piano. I took piano lessons in person and got little from them.

I bought a bass at the start of the pandemic to make it my project. I barely touched it for a while and thought I should focus in on it. Josh’s lessons were great and I feel like the bass feels really natural to me. I work from home and have sat here every day playing bass while working. I love it. I also geeked out on learning to setup my bass so I have setup my P bass pretty low with a bit of relief in the neck and some really smooth flatwound strings. My fingers have been fine, no steel fingers :grinning:

I will check Luke out. Thanks for the recommendation


You should figure out what style of music you want to play and go from there. I would incorporate aural training and timing training daily. I want to play blues and motown, so I took up sight reading, jazz walking and am learning jamerson/geezer/bruce songs since it fits my goals.


Has anyone here tried any of the books by Paul Wolfe as a follow up to the B2B course? He seems to be getting good Amazon reviews.
Or any of his on-line courses. He also has a web-site and youtube channel.

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After B2B, I sourced a local private tutor who I see an hour a fortnight. He has been great at helping me get a catalogue of songs in my repertoire and exercises to practice.

I’ve also signed up to Scotts Bass Lessons - Fretboard Accelerator course.

I use Songstarr app on my phone to assist my general noodling whenever I just want to jam.

I appreciate these are costly options to some, but that’s how I’ve moved on from my initial B2B course


Hey @onefourfive! You want more? For bass learning depth and breadth, look no further than TalkingBass.net. Mark Smith’s deep-dive knowledge and no-bullshit approach is equal parts inspiring and humbling, IMO. I tried Scott’s Bass Learning, but, man, what a ton of yada, yada, yada to endure before getting to nuggets of knowledge.

In short, not everybody who can PLAY bass is necessarily qualified to TEACH bass. True, lasting and worthwhile teaching ability most often requires one to have had an actual education in pedagogy, IMO.

Josh has it. Mark definitely has it. Scott? In my opinion, as a teacher he makes a great dude to hang with over a few brews and a toke. No offense intended to anyone. Just my take.


I definitely concur. Josh has a fun and somewhat zany way of teaching which is quite effective IMO. Mark is more academic, which is a byproduct of his UK equivalent of a Master’s degree in music. He’s quite droll in comparison to Josh, but he gets right down to the nuts and bolts of what you’re trying to learn, and does it quite well. I contribute 75% of my bass playing skill to Mark, and the other 50% to Josh.
Any recommendations for a remedial math teacher online?



…Khan Academy :eyes:





Sorry, after KHANNNN!!!, I just love this.


I highly recommend any of the courses Ariane Cap has. Many of them are live courses with her directly. I’m about finished the 40 week Music Theory for the Bass Player cohort class and can’t say enough good things about it - it obviouysly takes some commitment, but if you’ve got the time you’ll come out of it a much better player with a knowledge of music theory too. Next up for me with her, is the Pattern System level 1 course. There are some good YouTube channels out there, but you get what you pay for. With Ariane’s course it is well organised and well instructed with clear achievable goals for each unit. She also includes quite a bit of mental/psychological practice too, which appeals to me. Good luck


While I do agree Josh’s course is the Very Best for beginners (up to badass level ofc…) and Mark Smith has a similar gift for teaching (different style to Josh but very effective as well) I enrolled to Scott’s fretboard accelerator course which just started because i thought I needed it (I indeed do).
I hadn’t even tried the free trial period at regular SBL site - fretboard accelerator is a standalone external course even hosted in a separate web site - but I have to say that if I had to evaluate his courses by this one i would try them and i think i will subscrive to SBL after I’m done with this course. I repeat I can only judge by this one but it seems to be a very well structured course.
I actually appreciated the warning he gave for this course: not for total beginners and not for people who think they can improve their bass playing by just watching videos and not spending time practicing.
Had i have to choose between Josh and Scott i would take Josh 100% in a hearth beat but I think Scott is worth looking at at least once just to have a grasp of his style and content.


Finding the right instructor that clicks with you is half the battle. Glad you found Scott. If you would, please report back on how you like the course. You can never have too many good ideas thrown your way!


My suggestion would be to forget about learning new stuff for 6 months and just concentrate on playing along with some of your favourite tunes on YouTube. After all; playing bass guitar (or any instrument for that matter) is about playing, not just learning. Give your brain a break and enjoy the skills that you have learned so far for a while. You deserve it!


I took this advice and got the talking bass scales course. I’m in that right now and it is really good, thanks!

Progressing still. I am playing every Monday now with a bandmate (I play synth usually) who has been very gracious. Currently we are working on covering a Kiss song and actually started tracking it last night.