Post your covers! (2019-2022)

Thanks @JerryP

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@Barney and @Paul_9207 you both have made a very fast progression, in my opinion. thatā€™s kinda impressive.

otherwise ā€¦

ā€¦ really no problem at all. this thread is made for posting covers, thatā€™s it :grin: and there is no such thing like a daily or weekend limit, obviously, and thatā€™s maybe even more true for quality covers like yours (and like many other ones)

maybe this feeling will disapear with the confidence built over time


Thanks @terb i appreciate your kind words.

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Great job! Wolstenholme is not the easiest bassist to cover (trust me, I know) and Iā€™ve always had a soft spot for this song.

You did great on the cover. What are you using for effects there?

A Muse bassline that I absolutely love and use as a practice noodle most times I pick up the bass is The Small Print. If you want a good intro to Drop D tuning, I recommend it :slight_smile:

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@Barney youā€™re getting really smooth with this. Nice work :slight_smile:


How the hell are you cranking these out so fast?
I am very jealous!
Well done again man!

I think you like that bass!


Sounding great @Barney !
Bass a little high in the mix but man it sure sounds good!

Pro tip - Sue is too fun to keep away from.


Again really good!

What effects were you using here?


Very nice, @Barney I really l liked that a lot. Sounds fun.


Thanks @howard There is something special about this song. Itā€™s been my ringtone for a long long time.

Iā€™ll have to get back to you on the effects.

The Small Print is a great song, Iā€™ll have to try that one out. Muse has so many great songs with great bass lines.


Thanks @John_E
Like I said, my wife was out of town so I had lots of uninhibited bass time.

Yup, I like this bass a lot. I play others, but I always come back to this one.

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@howard @John_E

This is what my effects chain looks like. The send and return is just a clean signal. Then lots of fuzz and a little chorus and an Ampeg sim.

Then I go direct out from my B6 into one channel and I mic my cab on a second channel. and those look like this. I feel like Iā€™m still just clicking on presets and turning knobs blindly hoping for a good sound. Sometimes I get lucky and sometimes it takes a lot longer. My actual physical cab has everything set to noon with gain set to 4.


Thanks @terb I canā€™t speak for Paul (but yeah he looks very polished for how long heā€™s been playing) but for me itā€™s just a case of putting the hours in. I play a minimum of 2 hours every day. But then I donā€™t have kids / other responsibilities, so Iā€™m lucky to have the free time.

Iā€™m starting to get to the point where it doesnā€™t feel as mechanical and thatā€™s a nice place to be.


Here is my 50th cover on this thread ! I though that my favorite APC song would be a good choice for this.

A Perfect Circle - Passive

This song is in fact a cover of an unreleased song from Tapeworm, which was a side project of Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails), with Maynard James Keenan (Tool, APC) and a few other musicians. So, this is some kind of a self-cover of Maynard James Keenan.

This song is on eMOTIVe (2004), which is a cover-only album. The t-shirt I wear is the one of this album. I love the two previous albums but Passive is certainly my favorite song really. Feels very organic to me.

There are several bass covers of this song, and my version is inspired by the cover recorded by Leo DĆ¼zey with some minor differences concerning the fingering and the bass line itself. I added a little break at 3:18 and modified a bit the line at the begining.
What I like especially with Leo DĆ¼zeyā€™s version, is that he takes advantage of a strange tuning : C-A-D-G (just the E tuned down to C). Thatā€™s a huge gap between the two lowest strings but I really like how deep it sounds, and how uncommon and fun it is to play. Also there is a very different string tension between the C and the other ones, thatā€™s someting to consider when playing, especially with light strings (40/100 here).

Greenie, Darkglass Vintage Microtubes clone (that I built from a Musikding kit), Bass POD Pro.

Now that I have 50 covers, maybe itā€™s time to create my video index post, so here it is.


Very well done @terb Laurent! Iā€™m not familiar with the song but that use of tuning down to C really sounds great. I always enjoy it when Greenie comes out to play.


That was awesome @terb Great playing and great tone!


The Terbinator does it again :metal:

Great 50th cover @terb - especially with the dynamics! Iā€™ve got many happy memories of this song. :slightly_smiling_face:


Wow, very cool! I hadnā€™t heard of Tapeworm (so many Reznor side projects!)

Song is great, Greenie sounds great there as usual. Love the pick-chuck there at the end :rofl:


I was not sure if someone would notice it :joy:


This is just fantastic @terb

A guitarists bassline for sure, really like it a lot.